YOGYAKARTA – Many couples have different body postures. This is not a big problem, you just need to be creative in devising a strategy to still be able to both feel pleasure when making love. For married couples who have different heights or body postures, they can pay attention to the important keys when they love each other.
According to Cosmopolitan, Jess O'Reilly, Ph.D., sexologist at Astroglide, suggests staying relaxed. You don't have to feel like you're not perfect or insist on torturing yourself to get the ideal posture, sticking to stereotypes. Get creative, says O'Reilly, and enjoy different postures in actions that build intimacy with your partner. Here are tips from O'Reilly that can be done when couples have different sex postures.
1. Focus on the angleIf the achievement of making love is a moment of penetration, oral, or sexy touch, you can offer options in areas that may be sensitive to stimulation to your partner. There are many variations of positions that can be tried so that each of the partners is comfortable. Elizabeth Dell, a certified sex educator, advises couples with different postures to try variations of cowgirl, cowgirl reverse, or sideways scissors.

For couples with different body heights, O'Reilly's advice can take advantage of the right angle plus swing. The swing movement can suit different heights. You don't have to do difficult variations, but position the corners just right. If the penis, vulva, breasts, and buttocks aren't where they want them, lift or lower them with a swing.
3. Make use of propsBesides being able to use sextoys, couples can use pillows and wedges. You can also use a table or nightstand as a strategic backrest when doing certain positions that allow it. Chairs can be a great balancer when it comes to enjoying sex between couples with a big height difference, says O'Reilly.
4. Communicate every sensationYou and your partner need to know that sex communication is useful for getting better sex moments. That means you need to tell your partner what you like, and they will feel comfortable doing the same. Whether it's grinding, bumping, or sliding on the clitoris, which penetration is the most comfortable.
5. Position explorationLisa Finn, manager and sex educator, recommends the side swoon position for couples with height differences. By doing this position, you can grind when penetrating so as to create a sensation for everyone. The plank position can also be used as a reference. Other positions such as cowgirl, the notebook, the wheelbarrow, and the face-off sensation can also be explored at the moment when you and your partner make love.
Of the five styles above, it means that posture does not limit your intimacy with your partner. Most important in building the ladder to the pinnacle of pleasure, communicate and agree on each new position tried.
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