JAKARTA - Washing your face before bed is often not done in skin care routines. However, the habit of skipping facial washing can have a bad impact on skin health. dr. Roger Kapoor, a dermatologist says this habit can have a bad impact on skin health.

" Washing your face before bed is very important to remove dirt, pollution, and germs that stick to the skin throughout the day. In addition, cleaning your face also helps remove the remaining makeup used for a day," he said, quoted from the Daily Mail page, Saturday, March 22.

Without washing your face, pores can be clogged, acne, to speed up premature aging. dr. Roger emphasized that throughout the day the skin is exposed to free radicals, namely unstable molecules that can damage the skin. If not cleaned, this free radical can penetrate the skin layer, damage collagen, and accelerate the emergence of wrinkles.

If you sleep in a condition of your face that is still full of makeup, the risk of irritation and inflammation of the skin will be even higher. This can cause problems such as eczema or dry skin.

"Skin care is becoming increasingly important as you get older, because the skin regeneration process slows down. Therefore, washing your face at night is a simple habit that can maintain skin health in the long term." said dr. Roger.

For those who often feel tired of washing their faces before bed, dr. Roger suggests several alternatives:

- Put the facial cleaning product in the bathroom so you can wash your face while taking a shower.

- Use a micellar water using cotton to remove dirt and the rest of makeup.

- If you are really lazy, facial cleansing tissue can be the last solution, even though this method is not the best. But still better, than not cleaning your face at all.

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