JAKARTA - Former Commissioner of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Peter F. Gontha questioned why this national airline never communicated with shareholders. In fact, according to him, it is proper for a public company such as Garuda Indonesia to do this.

"Garuda is a public company, if the GOVERNMENT, in this case is BUMN, wants to be alone, without coordination with the public, don't go PUBLIC, please!," wrote Peter on his personal Instagram account @petergontha, quoted on Sunday, October 31.

Peter said, as a public company, the issuer with the GIAA stock code should be able to consult with its shareholders, so that the company's internal activities can be transparent.

Peter even pointed out that currently there are 4 foreign companies collaborating with Garuda Indonesia. However, each of these companies has admitted guilt in their respective countries and has already paid 2.5 billion euros, and is therefore acquitted.

"In their country, there are rules, if you have paid the fine, it's okay. That's good!!!! To catch people need a lot of money, this is a win-win, right!" he continued.

"So the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the Attorney General's Office are silent? Until now I'm not clear why? I immediately went to the Director-General of Law and Human Rights and even the chairman of the KPK, but the "orders" from the government and the Garuda Directors were: "DO NOT MAKE THE COMMISSIONERS INVOLVED!" Just ask Prof. Romli, please if anyone wants to confirm it with the Garuda Kumham or the Chair of the KPK," he concluded.

Peter F. Gontha is indeed speaking on his social media about this state-owned airline. He opened all the problems that occurred in the body of Garuda. Starting from buying the wrong plane to the existence of a 'group' in power in the national airline.

Peter himself was appointed as Commissioner of Garuda Indonesia in January 2020 representing the company's shareholder, PT Trans Airways. The corporation owned by entrepreneur Chairul Tanjung holds 28.27 percent of Garuda's shares. However, in August 2021, he was dismissed from the position.

Before leaving Garuda Indonesia's board of commissioners, Peter admitted that he had long wanted to reveal the problems that occurred at Garuda Indonesia to the public. On May 16, 2021, Peter through a post on Instagram admitted that he could not bear to immediately reveal the problem.

Peter also said that Garuda in the last period of his life was like stage 4 cancer. However, the treatment is still like dealing with someone who has the flu. Therefore, according to him, it is appropriate that Finance Minister Sri Mulyani is reluctant to help Garuda again.

"I will open the depravity that occurred in the open, because all shareholders, especially public shareholders who have no voice, are entitled to complete information. Please be patient," he wrote, quoted Friday, October 29.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, said that the company's main focus is to continue to take accelerated steps to restore performance. Mainly through a comprehensive restructuring program that is currently being completed.

"We have also intensified these efforts through various efforts, supporting steps to improve Garuda Indonesia's performance fundamentally, especially from the basis of flight operations," he said.

Irfan also admitted that he was optimistic that Garuda's performance would improve again. Moreover, with the positive signal of the national aviation industry in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation which is now under control. This includes the opening of Indonesia's leading tourism sectors, such as Bali and the Riau Islands, which have been open since October 14.

"This is an important momentum in the performance improvement steps that we are currently optimizing with all relevant stakeholders," he said.

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