JAKARTA - Sharon Florencia has completed her duties as Minister of SOEs for a day, as part of the 2021 SOEs girls take over program. Sharon carried out various activities ranging from giving directions on corporate signings, leading leadership meetings to making direct visits to the field.
The series of activities to 'take over' the Minister of SOEs for one day, starting with Sharon with activities to convey directions and witness the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Makmur (Let's Advance People's Business) program between PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero).
The MoU discusses the synergy of agricultural empowerment and providing access to capital for Indonesian farmers through the Makmur program.
Furthermore, Sharon also chaired the Leadership Meeting (Rapim) with the Deputy Minister of SOEs, Secretary to the Minister, and all Echelon I ranks of the Ministry of SOEs providing direction and input at the Rapim which discussed women's leadership programs and reviewed Ministry programs that were focused on partisanship in the education sector, the environment, and MSMEs.
According to Sharon, the memorable experience while serving as the Minister of SOEs was being able to speak in public about the nation's strategic issues. One of them is about domestic food security.
"Today's experience is extraordinary, how this morning I witnessed the signing of the MoU, gave a speech there, took over the role of the Minister, and the second one led the Rapim with the Deputy Minister of SOEs and echelon 1 ranks. What impressed me the most was the opportunity to speak out for the nation's strategic issues, ranging from food security to gender equality," he said, in Jakarta, quoted on Friday, October 1.
Sharon said he was very happy because he got a valuable experience while being the Minister of SOEs in one day. Sharon has gained valuable experience and lessons from the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, especially in terms of leading the team well.

"Today the feeling is extraordinary and it's really Pak Erick if he teaches us not just to give roles but really teach us how to be a leader who can lead a team well," he said.
After completing his day job as Minister of SOEs, Sharon will certainly return to his original job as an employee of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. Even Sharon was immediately happy from Erick Thohir, because the Minister of SOEs heard whispers that the woman from Bekasi, West Java, would be placed at Bank Mandiri's head office.
On this occasion, SOE Minister Erick Thohir said he had devoted his time to getting involved in the 'Girls Take Over SOEs 2021' program. The reason, said Erick, was because he wanted to give the selected finalists an understanding of leadership.
"That's why I made these three days and all my time constraints, I really devote to accompanying Sharon or Putri and others so that you get the essence of leadership and leadership," he said.
Erick said he was very concerned about the transformation of the Ministry of SOEs and SOEs. However, he said, this transformation would not be possible without the support of human capital transformation. One of them is through the 'girls take over' program initiated by the Plan Indonesia Foundation in collaboration with Srikandi, SOE from the Indonesian Human Capital Forum.
"I really hope that the human capital program will be the key to the transformational change in SOEs because from the start when FHCI presented to me about the GTO program, I immediately welcomed it and I conveyed it to the Plan Indonesia Foundation so that this collaboration can be carried out comprehensively continuity and sustainability," he said.
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