JAKARTA - Erick Thohir "resigned" his position as Minister of State-Owned Enterprises for one day, Thursday, September 30. The figure who replaced her was Sharon Florencia, a woman who was selected in the Ministry of SOE's gender equality campaign program, titled #GirlsTakeover.

Sharon, a 24-year-old woman, is an employee of one of the state-owned enterprises, namely PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. He is a graduate of Psychology from Gajah Mada University with cum laude predicate.

Sharon Florencia, who was born in Magelang, Central Java, was appointed as an employee of Bank Mandiri on May 19, 2019. During the recruitment of the state-owned bank, she was selected as the best graduate office development program (ODP).

From her position as an employee of a state-owned bank, today Sharon Florencia immediately "jumped" to replace Erick Thohir as Minister of SOEs. She and 6 participants of the #GirlsTakeover program, were selected from around 7 thousand applicants.

The appointment of Sharon as Minister of BUMN, according to SOEs Srikandi, which is part of the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI), is a commitment to realizing gender equality in SOEs.

"SOEs Srikandi is committed to continuing to encourage the realization of gender equality through women leadership and women empowerment programs", said General Chairperson of SOEs Srikandi, Tina T. Kemala Intan at a press conference at the Ministry of SOEs on Monday 27 September, quoted from Antara.

According to Tina, the six youth finalists in the #GirlsTakeover program have been selected from thousands of applicants after going through various stages of rigorous selection.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir. (Photo: Doc. Ministry of SOEs)

SOEs Srikandi and Plan Indonesia also collaborated to hold a "Girls Leadership Class" as a form of "leadership development" for young people to be better prepared to face this "challenge takeover".

"We hope that in the future the selected millennial finalists and all young people in the country can become the next generation who makes the best contribution to society, nation, and country", she said.

Meanwhile, SOE Minister Erick Thohir revealed that the #GirlsTakeover program, which is a collaboration between the SOEs FHCI and the Plan International Indonesia Foundation, is by the grand strategy of transforming SOEs HR.

"That's why I also when the SOEs FHCI proposed a collaboration with the Plan International Indonesia Foundation that there was a #GirlsTakeover program, I immediately welcomed it and this was also positive because it was in line with the big strategy of transformation rather than SOEs human capital and of course women's leadership", said Erick Thohir on the occasion the same one.

Erick also added that the #GirlsTakeover Program is also included in one of the programs, namely youth leadership in SOE, which later will be filled by people under 42 years of age with a target of 5 percent this year and 10 percent in 2023.

"The #GirlsTakeover Program is part of the two main SOE programs, namely women's leadership and the youth leadership of SOE, I really welcome it", he said.

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