JAKARTA - The Budget Agency (Banggar) of the DPR RI and the government have agreed that the value of the electricity subsidy for the 2022 period is Rp56.47 trillion. This is one of the decisions in the discussion of the 2022 State Budget Bill (RUU) which was held today.

"The amount of electricity subsidy in 2022 is Rp56,479.9 billion," said the Working Committee (Panja) on Tuesday, September 28.

To note, the subsidy figure for next year is the same as the value that has been proposed by the government in the RAPBN and has not changed in parliament.

The direction of the future subsidy policy will be focused on three important things. First, the provision of subsidies is only to those who are entitled. Second, electricity subsidies for households are given in a targeted manner to poor and vulnerable households with a power of 450 VA and 900 VA according to the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

"The Panja reminds the government that in 2022 it can only provide compensation related to energy subsidies for six months, and then the recipient of the subsidy refers to the DTKS that has been determined by the government," said the Panja.

Meanwhile, the energy subsidy management program in the APBN Bill is Rp134.02 trillion. This amount is divided into two groups, namely subsidies for certain types of fuel with LPG gas measuring 3 kilograms of Rp77.54 trillion, and electricity subsidies of Rp56.47 trillion.

Just so you know, energy subsidies are one of the sub-sectors of state spending aimed at the poor in meeting their strategic needs while at the same time supporting consumption and purchasing power.

VOI noted that the government spending plan in the 2022 RAPBN is Rp2,708.7 trillion, which includes central government spending of Rp1,938.3 trillion as well as transfers to regions and village funds of Rp770.4 trillion.

Meanwhile, in terms of state revenues, the revenue sector is believed to only reach Rp1,840.7 trillion. This means that the budget deficit for the 2022 period is planned at 4.85 percent of GDP or Rp868.0 trillion.

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