LEBAK - The Serang-Panimbang Toll Road construction project is called to accelerate the Special Economic Zone (SEZ). In addition, it can also boost local economic growth which in turn will improve the welfare of the community.

"We as elements of society certainly welcome the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road project," said Nunung Hidayat, the Volunteer Network for the Community (Jarum) of Lebak Regency, Banten Province.

It is certain that the people of Lebak and Pandeglang regencies will grow a new economy supported by easy access to transportation through the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road which is connected to the Jagorawi Toll Road.

It is likely that investors in the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabotabek) areas will invest in the southern part of Banten Province.

In addition to cheap land prices there, the location is very strategic, because it is close to the Bojonegoro International Port and Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

Besides that, there are also Steam Power Plants in Labuhan and Suryalaya Merak.

"We are optimistic that the economic movement of Lebak and Pandeglang will be flooded with investors and absorb thousands of local workers," he explained.

According to him, the impact of the construction of the Serang - Panimbang Toll Road will certainly grow industrial areas as well as new residential areas that can take advantage of the economic potential of the local community.

In addition, the tourism sector will rise because the potential for coastal tourism in southern Banten is very promising to bring in domestic and foreign tourists.

To support the movement of the local economy, he said, local governments can facilitate the licensing process as well as optimize socialization so that people accept the presence of these investors.

In addition, it also received support from various parties to accelerate the completion of the Serang - Panimbang Toll Road.

"We hope that the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road project will run smoothly and be completed on time," he said.

PT Wijaya Karya Serang Panimbang (WSP) as a subsidiary of WIKA is a Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) based on a toll road concession agreement (PPJT) on February 22, 2017 to build the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road that crosses districts/cities, namely Serang City, Kabupaten Lebak, and Pandeglang Regency.

The construction of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road is carried out through the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) scheme which consists of three sections, namely Section 1 of 26.5 km connecting Serang-Rangkasbitung, Section 2 of 24.17 km connecting the Rangkasbitung-Cileles section, and Section 3 is 33 km long connecting Cileles-Panimbang. Sections 1 and 2 will be the portion of the BUJT WSP and section 3 will be the portion of the government.

For the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Section 1, currently the construction progress has reached 96.63 percent and is likely to be operational soon.

Meanwhile, Sections 2 and 3 are still in the stage of land acquisition with the progress of Section 2 reaching 75 percent and Section 3 at 64.21 percent. Sections 2 and 3 are targeted for completion in August 2023.

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