JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that until December 2021 the government had received 331.675 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Later this vaccine will come in stages starting in August.

Furthermore, Jokowi explained that this effort was the government's way of accelerating the vaccination process so that the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic could be handled immediately.

"Furthermore, we will also get additional vaccines during August to December 2021, which is 331.675.000 doses. With details of 258.675.000 which are certain and 73 million which have not or are waiting for further developments", he said at the Opening and National Seminar of Indonesian Bachelor of Economics Association (ISEI 2021), Jakarta, Tuesday, August 31.

Not only that, but Jokowi also ensures the availability of drugs, anti-viruses, and vitamins are sufficient for the needs of the community. Especially for COVID-19 positive patients who are undergoing self-isolation at home. Later, the drugs will be distributed directly to the homes of residents who are exposed to the virus.

"We also continue to distribute the availability of drugs, anti-virus, and vitamin packages for people who are undergoing self-isolation to all regions, but all of this must be accompanied by discipline in carrying out health protocols", he said.

The former Governor of DKI Jakarta said that until now the handling of the pandemic was claimed to have been quite successful after the policy of the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM). This is reflected in the positive confirmation rate which continues to decline by 86.9 percent.

"The cure rate is higher than the addition of positive conformation cases. The national bed occupancy rate (BOR) has decreased by 27 percent, but we must not be careless and be vigilant. All must continue to increase efforts to control this pandemic", he said.

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