JAKARTA - The Governor of West Java (Jabar) M Ridwan Kamil said that the implementation of Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) made West Java Province lose the potential regional income of around Rp20 billion per day.

"The extension of the PPKM for one day at level 4, West Java loses (income) Rp20 billion per day. So we are also in a lot of trouble," said Ridwan Kamil when giving a speech at the Kick-Off West Java Economic Society 2021 and Road to ISEI Congress XXI online, in Bandung, reported by Antara, Monday, August 23.

Mr. Emil hopes that the West Java Economic Society 2021 event and the Road to the XXI ISEI Congress can provide recommendations on these problems.

"I ask for recommendations from this event, namely the first to increase people's purchasing power and government standing. We lost Rp5 trillion (regional income due to PPKM). So that we stopped many activities," he said.

However, said Mr. Emil, there is some good news that West Java Province has succeeded in achieving from an economic perspective in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as economic growth in the second quarter of 2021 reaching 6.13 percent.

"And it jumped from minus 4 percent in the same period," he said.

Another good news, investment coming to West Java is always ranked number one nationally.

"If I'm not mistaken, approximately Rp70 trillion has been invested in us (West Java). Then also exports until the end of this semester, we (West Java) can contribute the highest of around 15.6 percent," he said.

He said the two economic measures were an achievement in itself for West Java Province in an atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic can be well controlled.

"Thank God for the economy, the train has started to move even faster after PPKM was stopped," he said.

He said the PPKM policy was considered to have had a significant impact on the economic sector, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic was effectively resolved by cutting off social activities.

"In fact, many economic activities require direct social interaction activities," he said.

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