JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance has again provided direct cash assistance (BLT) to micro, small, and medium enterprises worth IDR 1.2 million for the period July-September 2021.

This was confirmed by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani in a virtual press conference on Thursday, August 12. According to the Minister of Finance, the MSME BLT recipients during this period were added by an additional 3 million business actors.

"The government has increased the quota for MSME BLT recipients by 3 million people," he said.

For information, the amount of MSME BLT given to small and medium entrepreneurs is lower than the value of assistance for the 2020 period which reached IDR 2.4 million per person.

Meanwhile, the way to check MSME BLT in the current period can be to check the eform.bri.co.id/bpum website owned by PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI), or it can be through the official website banpresbpum.id which is distributed through PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk ( BNI).

Below is the order of how to check the MSME BLT or commonly called the Micro Business Productive Presidential Assistance (BPUM).

1. Through BRI

a. Open the page https://eform.bri.co.id/bpum

b. Enter your KTP number and verification code.

c. Click process inquiry.

d. Data verification information will be displayed. If the ID number entered is recorded as a recipient participant, MSME actors can withdraw IDR 1.2 million BLT MSMEs by visiting the BRI office.

e. However, if the ID number entered is not the recipient, then the process cannot be continued to the next stage.

2. Via BNI

a. Go to the http://banpresbpum.id page.

b. Fill in the ID number.

c. Select Search.

d. There will be a notification if you enter / not as a recipient of BPUM 2021

Meanwhile, the disbursement of IDR 1.2 million MSME BLT is as follows:

- Bring your Identity Card (KTP) or identity card

- Bring a BRI or BNI savings book

- Bring a BRI or BNI ATM Card

- Bring a Statement Letter signed by the local Village apparatus - A Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM), and / power of attorney to receive Banpres funds.

Please note that MSME BLT recipients can get queue quotas through the BPUM Reservation System. Later, business actors can choose the bank where the disbursement and date of receipt of funds.

After getting the queue serial number online, the recipient does not need to come to the bank to take the serial number manually.

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