JAKARTA - Indika Energy Group donated Rp50 billion from January to July 2021 as part of its commitment to help Indonesia recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recently, the energy sector company owned by conglomerate Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono has initiated a program to provide assistance for 8,000 oxygen cylinders measuring 40 liters, 47 liters and 50 liters which have been filled to the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) entrepreneur organization.

"We hope that the Oxygen for the Country Initiative can help fulfill and procure medical oxygen needs, as well as accelerate the distribution and rotation of oxygen cylinders in hospitals," said Indika Energy Deputy President Director and Group CEO Azis Armand in a statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Tuesday. 27 July.

Aziz explained that the oxygen cylinders will be distributed in stages to hospitals throughout Indonesia through a rotation or swap mechanism to replace the empty cylinders.

In addition to providing oxygen assistance, Indika Energy through its subsidiary Tripatra Engineers and Contractors also supports the construction of a mutual cooperation oxygen house initiated by Kadin in the Pulo Gadung area, East Jakarta.

The oxygen house is the first semi-permanent health facility in Indonesia specifically equipped with oxygen supply equipment and treatment beds for residents exposed to COVID-19 with mild to moderate symptoms.

The chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arsjad Rasjid, expressed his appreciation to the business actors who helped fulfill the need for oxygen to be distributed to emergency rooms in hospitals.

"We have echoed the Kadin War Against Pandemic movement and invited the business world to unite and work together to help the government in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not yet ended," said Arsjad.

Throughout 2020, Indika Energy Group has also made various other efforts to help deal with the pandemic, such as building PCR testing facilities and isolation centers, as well as various other initiatives with a total aid value of 5.9 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 86 billion.

This year, the issuer with the stock code INDY is still carrying out social initiatives, including helping the construction of hospitals and nursing academies, as well as supporting the mutual cooperation vaccination program for the company's employees in all of its operational areas.

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