JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry will ensure that the industry adheres to health protocols during the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) according to government policies.

"The Ministry of Industry continues to ensure that industrial companies and industrial estate companies continue to implement strict and disciplined health protocols by the policies set by the government", said Industry Minister, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, July 25.

For this reason, a Circular Letter of the Minister of Industry Number 3 of 2021 concerning Operations and Mobility of Industrial Activities during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency has been issued to serve as a guide for industrial companies and industrial estate companies in carrying out their operations and mobility.

"We are determined to accelerate the handling and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in industrial companies and industrial estate companies", said the Minister of Industry.

Illustration. (Photo: Unsplash)

Several important points in the Minister of Industry's Decree, including all workers, must implement health protocols in the factory or company area, which include 6M, namely wearing masks properly, washing hands with soap and running water or disinfectant liquid, maintaining distance, avoiding and preventing the occurrence of crowds, avoiding eating together, and reducing movements that are not directly related to work activities.

Furthermore, industrial companies and industrial estate companies that already have an operational permit and industrial activity mobility (IOMKI) are required to submit reports on the operational implementation and mobility of industrial activities regularly, which is twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays until 23:59. This reporting is done electronically through the National Industrial Information System portal/SIINas (siinas.kemenperin.go.id).

"In addition, the company must cooperate with the local health sector for handling if there are employees who are infected or carrying out vaccinations for employees. Then, the company also needs to provide independent isolation rooms for employees who are confirmed positive for COVID-19", said Agus.

The Minister of Industry's SE also emphasized administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings, deactivation of IOMKI, and revocation of IOMKI.

Meanwhile, administrative sanctions in the form of deactivating IOMKI are given if the industrial company or industrial estate company has been sanctioned with written warnings three times in a row or three times within a maximum period of one month from the first written warning.

Industrial area. (Photo: Doc. Ministry of Industry)

Meanwhile, administrative sanctions in the form of revocation of IOMKI are given if industrial companies or industrial estate companies have been subject to sanctions for deactivating IOMKI and do not submit reports on the operational implementation and mobility of industrial activities in the next reporting period/period.

IOMKI revocation is also given because industrial companies or industrial estate companies have been sanctioned twice for deactivating IOMKI.

In addition, there were found discrepancies in data or information on the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol in the company environment which had been stated in a statement letter with conditions in the field, and the owner of IOMKI was not an industrial company or industrial estate company.

"Industrial companies and industrial estate companies that have been subject to administrative sanctions in the form of revocation of IOMKI can re-apply to obtain IOMKI back electronically through the SIINas portal no later than 14 days from the date of the IOMKI revocation," said the Minister of Industry.

Illustration. (Photo: Unsplash)

The Ministry of Industry noted that until July 24, 2021, the government had given 17,919 IOMKI to a total of 16,670 industrial companies in the Java-Bali region. Of this number, the government has revoked 299 IOMKI.

Meanwhile, outside Java-Bali, the government issued 3,493 IOMKI for 3,020 companies. A total of 46 IOMKI outside Java-Bali have been revoked, the majority in the agro-industry and the metal, machinery, transportation, and electronics industries.

"The majority of IOMKI were revoked because the company did not consistently report according to schedule. There was also IOMKI which was reactivated because the company finally reported and corrected it,", said Ministry of Industry spokesman, Febri Hendri.

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