JAKARTA - Ivermectin which is an anthelmintic medicine is currently on the rise because it is claimed to increase immunity, anti-inflammatory, and inhibit the replication of the virus that causes COVID-19. Now, the price of the drug is starting to rise in online stores or e-commerce.
E-commerce sellers such as Shopee and Tokopedia set prices in the range of Rp250 thousand to Rp55 thousand for 12 tablets with the Ivermax12 trademark. Meanwhile, the price for one tablet is equivalent to Rp25 thousand to Rp35 thousand.
Meanwhile, the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, previously stated that the price of Ivermectin was quite cheap, namely Rp5,000 to Rp7,000 thousand per tablet. That means, Ivermectin prices in e-commerce soared 257 percent to 496 percent.
Based on a VOI search, Wednesday, June 30, one of the sellers at Shopee offered the drug Ivermectin 12 milligrams (mg), with the trademark Ivermax12 at a price of Rp250 thousand for 10 tablets. This drug has sold as many as 13 boxes. This five-star sale is located in North Jakarta.
Others sell Ivermectin at a price of Rp335 thousand for 10 tablets or Rp33.500 per tablet. This seller is located in East Jakarta and has sold 52 boxes.
Not only in Shopee, but similar things are also found in other e-commerce, namely Tokopedia. One of the sellers offers Ivermax12 at a price of Rp250 for 10 tablets or Rp25 thousand per tablet. This five animal category seller is located in Tangerang City and has sold 520 boxes.
Then, there are also sellers who sell for Rp355 thousand for 10 tablets or Rp35,500 per tablet. This seller is located in Bekasi and has sold 6 boxes.
Previously, SOE Minister Erick Thohir promised to provide cheap therapeutic drugs to prevent or cure COVID-19. This includes Ivermectin which has obtained Approval for the Implementation of Clinical Trials (PPUK) from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).
Later, after clinical trials of the Ivermectin drug for COVID-19 patients are carried out, BUMN through its pharmaceutical holding company PT Indofarma Tbk will market it to the public at affordable prices. The plan, this drug will be priced between Rp5,000 to Rp7,000 per tablet.
"With cheap and affordable drug prices, I'm sure people will be able to get them easily and won't be a burden. Especially for the prevention of COVID-19, you don't need to always take it and only take 2-3 tablets. Likewise for healing," said Erick in his written statement quoted on Tuesday, June 29.
He said the provision of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs at low prices was indeed a concern for the government. The hope is that the community will not be burdened with expensive drug prices and can prioritize buying basic necessities in the midst of this pandemic.
Furthermore, Erick said that the administration of PPUK from BPOM for Ivermectin as a COVID-19 therapeutic drug would be a change so that Indonesia could control this pandemic.
He ensured that his party was ready to mass-produce Ivermectin in a short time, when clinical trials were completed. "In terms of infrastructure, we are ready to mass produce Ivermectin. This drug will become a cheap therapeutic drug for the people, especially since Indofarma has prepared production of 4.5 million tablets per month," said Erick.
"If the BPOM clinical trial is completed and the distribution permit has been issued as a sign that the Ivermectin drug is good for all of us, then we will boost this production in order to quickly reduce the positive cases of COVID-19," he added.
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