JAKARTA - The VIII Kadin National Conference (Munas) will certainly be held in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi on June 30, 2021, shifting from the original plan to be held in Bali on June 2-4, 2021.

Head of the VIII Kadin National Conference Organizer Adisatrya Sulisto said the Kadin National Conference was delayed due to health issues.

This is also based on government directives to anticipate a spike in Covid-19 cases after Eid Al-Fitr and avoid the potential for large numbers of human mobility/crowds.

"We have carried out internal coordination, taking into account health issues in the current pandemic situation and conditions, so we have to change the location and time of implementation. A decision on this has been made," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 31.

Adi said that other matters related to the change will adjust further. The implementation of this National Conference will be carried out in a hybrid manner, both on-site and online.

"There are indeed restrictions for participants and observers. We hope that the National Conference will be carried out in a conducive manner," he added.

Adi hopes that all parties can accept the changes. It is also hoped that the existence of restrictions will not reduce the value of the five-year agenda of the Kadin National Conference.

The National Conference will be attended by around 300 people consisting of participants, observers, the government and the committee.

As is known, in addition to discussing organizational policies, the business world and the national economy, the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) also scheduled the election of the next Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the period 2020 - 2025.

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