JAKARTA - The Anagata Nusantara Power Investment Management Agency (BPI Danantara) appointed the CEO of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) Febriany Eddy to occupy the position of Managing Director of Non-Financial Holding Operations.
Danantara Chief Operation Officer (COO) Dony Oskaria ensured that Febri would hold concurrent positions. He said Febri would soon resign from the position of CEO of Vale Indonesia.
However, he said, the postponement of Febri was still waiting for the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of MIND ID's subsidiary to be held.
"The GMS will end later. After the GMS Vale will resign," said Dony at Graha CIMB Niaga, Jakarta, Monday, March 24.
The appointment of Febri as part of the Danantara was announced directly by Danantara Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Rosan Roeslani in a press conference introducing the Danantara management structure.
Rosan said the appointment of Febri as Managing Director of Non-Financial Holding Operations of the Danantara was motivated by the fact that Febri was very responsible in carrying out his role as company leader.
"If I say one of the strongest CEO lady I've ever met, I met, and very very veryharp, and will occupy the Managing Director of Non-Financial at the operation level," said Rosan.
Rosan also believes that Febri will be able to make a positive contribution to the Danantara Operational Holding.
"I think he will make a very, very positive contribution in the future," said Rosan.
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