PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) noted that the national fertilizer stock reached 1.63 million tons as of March 2025. The stock consists of 1.19 million tons of subsidized fertilizer and 445,000 tons of non-subsidized fertilizer.

Pupuk Indonesia Corporate Secretary Wijaya Laksana said the figure showed that the national fertilizer stock was available according to the provisions.

"In the holy month of Ramadan and before Eid, Pupuk Indonesia continues to strive to maintain the availability of fertilizer at the farmer level, as well as our commitment to supporting government priority programs in the field of food security," he said in an official statement, Friday, March 21.

Wijaya continued that the stock of subsidized fertilizers of 1.19 million tons consisted of 581,000 tons of Urea, 552,000 tons of NPK, 22,000 tons of Special Formula NPK and 33,000 tons of Organic. Meanwhile, the stock of non-subsidized fertilizers of 445,000 tons consists of 361,000 tons of Urea fertilizer and 84,000 tons of NPK.

In addition to stock readiness, Wijaya revealed that Pupuk Indonesia has also distributed subsidized fertilizers to farmers of 1.52 million tons.

The subsidy fertilizer consists of 731,000 tons of Urea, 728,000 tons of NPK, 11,000 tons of Special Formula NPK, and 51,000 tons of Organic. The realization of the ransom is higher than the same period in 2024 of 1.142 million tons.

This increasing distribution indicates the success of the government's efforts with Pupuk Indonesia in simplifying the mechanism for distributing subsidized fertilizers. In the future, we will continue to be committed to making distribution easier and more targeted," he said.

Wijaya said that with the readiness of these stocks and distributions, the need for farmers' fertilizers in the second planting season in 2025 which will begin in April will be met.

In addition, Wijaya is also optimistic that Pupuk Indonesia will be able to meet all subsidized fertilizer allocations in 2025 which will reach 9.5 million tons.

"We hope that this positive trend in production and distribution can continue until the end of 2025, so that Pupuk Indonesia can play an active role in supporting the government's efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency as quickly as possible," he said.

Pupuk Distribution Continues

Wijaya said the distribution of fertilizers would be supported by 1,067 distributors with more than 27,000 kiosk or retailer networks, 107 ship service providers with 179 shipping routes, 274 truck service providers with 1,288 routes, plus four distribution routes via train.

For your information, the government has issued a Joint Decree on Three Agencies concerning Road Traffic Regulation and Crossing During the 2025 Eid Al-Fitr and Return Flow Holidays.

In the SKB, the government restricts the operational transportation of goods, such as trucks with an amalgamation of 3 or more on many toll roads and non-toll roads ranging from Sumatra, Java to Kalimantan. The restrictions will take effect on Monday, March 24, 2025 at 00.00 to Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 24.00 local time.

Wijaya also ensured that the distribution process of subsidized fertilizers would not be affected by the policy of restricting goods transportation that would be implemented by the government during this year's homecoming and Eid al-Fitr. This is because fertilizers are categorized as basic necessities, which are exempt from operational restrictions on goods transportation.

Pupuk Indonesia guarantees the readiness and smooth distribution of fertilizers until before and after Lebaran, because fertilizers are categorized as commodities that are exempted from the policy of restricting goods transportation during the 2025 Eid homecoming moment," said Wijaya.

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