JAKARTA - Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN), Dadan Hindayana, said that the distribution of the free nutritious food program (MBG) does not only target school children, orphanages also get it.

"Yes, we will definitely get (free nutritious food orphanages)," he told VOI, Wednesday, March 19.

However, BGN has not recorded for children in orphanages. Even so, they will be included in the government's target through the program initiated by President Prabowo Subianto of 82.9 million.

"So far, it has not been recorded (institutional children). Because the orphanages of the orphanages are included in the beneficiary school groups such as Paud, TK, SD, MI," explained Dadan.

In supporting the MBG program target, BGN together with the Pejaten Police, Pasar Minggu held an inauguration ceremony for the Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG) on Monday, March 17.

Dadan, who attended the inauguration, said that so far there have been a range of 1,000 SPPGs throughout Indonesia and it is targeted that by the end of 2025 3 million target groups have been realized.

"In this case, the operational launching of the Pejaten Police SPPG is also a form of acceleration in fulfilling children's nutrition through the free nutrition eating program," he said.

The National Police continued Dadan, it will also set a target of 542 SPPGs, even more than 1,000 units. "For supervision, everyone has the right to supervise," he said.

Meanwhile, National Police Chief Jendreral Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo said, for the beginning, the National Police SPPG was built as many as 20 units. "Four SPPGs at the Headquarters level and 16 levels of the Regional Police (priority). Of course this will continue to be developed in May and beyond. We are also preparing hydroponics to support supply to meet the needs of raw materials," he said.

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