JAKARTA - The Indonesian Packaged Cooking Oil Entrepreneurs Association (Permikindo) admits that there are a number of repackers reducing the one liter dose of Oilita.
However, the purpose of doing this is not to deceive the public.
For your information, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) held a coordination meeting for the development of Oilita business actors with packaged cooking oil entrepreneurs today.
Secretary General of Permikindo Darmaiyanto explained that the reduction in the volume of Oilita content was not done to deceive the public.
However, continued Darmaidanto, cooking oil for Oil Oil packaging, up to the repacker, was Rp. 15,600 per liter.
He said, this figure is far above the highest retail price (HET) for repackers, which is IDR 13,500 per liter.
"Even if someone gets (DMO), it's a lot true, for example, as stated by Oilita, it costs Rp. 13,500 per liter (in-repacker or distributor I). However, when a repacker gets a price, it's already at Rp. 15,600 per liter, some even Rp. 16,000 per liter, Rp. 16,500. That's what happened in the field," said Darmaiyanto when met at the Ministry of Trade office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, March 18.
In addition, Darmaidanto revealed, repackers also did not get Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) cooking oil, so the price they got was quite high, such as premium or bulk cooking oil.
Meanwhile, at the same time, continued Darmiyanto, repackers must also produce Oilita.
As a result, he said, to meet the income, there was an adjustment in the dose.
"The repacker is caused by not getting a DMO, so you understand that production must run, demand is high, employees must be paid. While there is no DMO raw material oil, what is in the market is oil with industrial status," he explained.
Furthermore, Darmiyanto explained, the industrial oil was produced into Oilita and then there was an adjustment in the dose.
"So, there is no profit," he said.
Therefore, Darmiyanto also admitted that many repackers reduce the dose of Oilita.
"Recognizing that there are repackers among friends who did that. But that means not to cheat, but just to adjust," he explained.
Even so, Darmiyanto apologized for the chaos that occurred in the community.
He said that a number of repackers who were members of the association were also in the legal process due to violations that had been committed.
"We want to apologize first, yes, for this mess, so that a polemic arises in the community that the cooking oil entrepreneur, especially Oilita, has cheated," he said.
"But, in this case, we have confirmed everything, earlier with the Minister of Trade and the Director General, everything has a root problem," he continued.
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