PT Hutama Karya (Persero) said, as many as 31 rest areas and services (TIP) aka rest areas are ready to be used by travelers who cross the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) during the Lebaran holiday.

A total of 29 TIPs are located on the Trans Sumatra toll road which is already operating. Meanwhile, the rest are in the JTTS section which is functionalized during the Lebaran 2025 holiday.

In detail, two TIPs on the Sigli 'Banda Aceh Toll Road, four TIPs on the Indrapura' Kisaran Toll Road, two TIPs on the Binjai 'Langsa' Toll Road, four TIPs on the Pekanbaru 'Dumai Toll Road and two TIPs on the Pekanbaru 'Bangkinang' Toll Road Koto Kampar.

Then, two temporary TIPs on the Padang' Sicincin functional toll road, two TIPs on the Taba Penanjung 'Bengkulu Toll Road, two TIPs on the Palembang' Indralaya Toll Road, two TIPs on the Indralaya'Prabumulih Toll Road and nine TIPs on the Terbanggi Besar 'Kayu Agung Toll Road.

In addition, there are at least 15 SPKLU units spread across a number of JTTS sections to serve travelers who use electric vehicles (EV).

"Homecoming via the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) does not need to worry about fatigue on the road! Rest areas scattered at various points are ready to be resting places with complete facilities," explained Hutama Karya in his official Instagram account @hutamakarya, Tuesday, March 18.

"You can have coffee, fill up gasoline or cas electric cars, look for clean toilets and mosques until the culinary or local product shopping from MSMEs is all here," he added.

In fact, Hutama Karya has also prepared a number of rest areas that provide work from anywhere (WFA) facilities for travelers who continue to work on trips.

"Don't forget to stop by, let's stay safe and comfortable!" he concluded.

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