JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is ready to revoke the business license of producer Minya Kita which was proven to have violated the provisions. This follows the case of reducing the dose of Minya Kita by a number of producers.

This was conveyed by the Deputy Minister of Industry (Wamenperin) Faisol Riza at the opening of the 2025 Ramadan Bazaar event which was attended by a number of food and beverage industry players (Mamin) at the Ministry of Industry, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 18.

"The Ministry of Industry is ready to follow up on recommendations from the results of the investigation of cases by the Indonesian Police and related ministries/agencies such as the revocation of the company's business license that violated it," said Faisol.

Faisol said, the Ministry of Industry is ready and supports the police's firm steps in taking action against violations of the producer of Minya Kita. He said the practice injured the government's efforts to provide affordable cooking oil.

"The use of the Minya Kita packaging dose is detrimental to the community and also injures the government's efforts to provide and maintain cooking oil prices in the community and this also harms the good name of the cooking oil industry and the Minya Kita packaging industry, which have been obedient to the rules," he said.

On the other hand, Faisol has also asked other cooking oil producers to supply double products ahead of Lebaran 2025. This is considered necessary to ensure stock availability and stability of oil prices.

"One of the staple foodstuffs is cooking oil. Producers are asked to supply cooking oil twice the supply in ordinary months, to maintain availability and price. The government also encourages Bulog, ID FOOD in collaboration with PT Pos Indonesia to distribute basic commodities, so as to shorten the distribution chain," he concluded.

It is known that the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named 14 company directors as suspects in connection with the violation of the producer of MinyaKita. The determination is based on a report regarding the mismatch between the dose and the label on the package of cooking oil.

Bareskrim Polri revealed the mode used by the cooking oil production plant MinyaKita packaged 1 liter whose contents had been circumcised into 750-800 milliliters (ml), namely the machinery used for production had been arranged with an inappropriate amount.

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