JAKARTA - The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) continues to decline after the temporary suspension or trading stop of the IDX. JCI continued to fall to 6.12 percent to 6.076.08.
JCI reopened at 11.49 p.m. JATS time and closed again at 12.00 p.m. JATS time. In this short movement, it did not make the Indonesian stock exchange improve, but it got worse.
In the Yahoofinance data, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 18, the closing of the session I fell 395.87 or 6.12 percent to 6,076.08. It even touched the level of 6,011.84 or fell to 7.11 percent compared to the closing of the previous session at 6,471.95.
The JCI movement is in the range of 6,011.84-6,465.22. Meanwhile, the average trading volume is 156.33 million.
All sectors experienced a decline, with the technology sector falling at the bottom up to 12.46 percent and the raw material sector (IDXBASIC) slumped 9.78 percent. Meanwhile, IDXINDUST was reddened at 2.9 percent.
Meanwhile, the top gainers at the close of session I, occupied by FMII shares rose 23.12 percent to Rp458, ANJT shares rose 16.67 percent to Rp1,575, and TRIN shares rose 15.38 percent to Rp90.
Meanwhile, on top loss, MINA's shares fell 28.24 percent to Rp94, FORU's shares fell 24.87 percent to Rp740, and SMDM's shares fell 24.85 percent to Rp1,285.
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