JAKARTA - To celebrate the holy month of Ramadan 2025 or 1445 H, AQUA has again collaborated with the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque in presenting various religious studies and interactive educational sessions.
This initiative is a form of AQUA's commitment to channeling benefits to the people of Indonesia, especially Muslims with religious studies and interactive education sessions, but also by providing pure 100 percent quality drinking water, halal certification and thayyib.
This activity lasted for 8 days on March 8 - 16, 2025 in the lobby area of the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque by presenting 8 lecturers. In the entire series of Ramadan activities, AQUA distributed takjil and iftar packages for around 49,500 worshipers.
To support hydration during fasting, AQUA also distributed more than 150,000 bottles of mineral water through the booths or booths available. Arif Mujahideen, Corporate Communications Director of Danone Indonesia, stated that AQUA has been born and grew with Muslims in Indonesia. Therefore, AQUA is proud to be able to continue to contribute to various Ramadan activities with the Istiqlal Mosque.
"Through this partnership, we invite Muslims to participate in spreading the spirit of Ramadan by participating in various useful educational activities and sessions. We also want to emphasize the importance of consuming 100% pure, halal, and thayyib mineral water as part of a healthy lifestyle during this holy month. With quality water, we hope to provide benefits and support Muslims to undergo Ramadan with full blessings," said Arif.
AQUA also reminded the public of the importance of choosing clean and healthy drinking water, especially in maintaining health during Ramadan, one of which is through product demonstrations.
"We organize interactive educational sessions that allow visitors and pilgrims to see firsthand the difference between hygienic and non hygienic drinking water. This is part of our efforts to increase community involvement," said Arif.
The Ramadan Istiqlal and AQUA Study Program presents a series of inspiring events, ranging from religious studies, interactive discussions, to musical entertainment, designed to enrich the experience of Ramadan for the congregation.
In his tausiyah, Ust. H. Martomo Malaing, SQ., MA, Imam Rawatib Istiqlal Mosque reminded the congregation to always filter information before receiving it and find the truth before sharing it with others on social media. Because, if these things are not done, then there is the potential for the spread of wrong news (hoax).
"Let us always be careful in filtering out every information that comes. Before we receive or distribute it, make sure we find the truth first. Don't let us take part in spreading hoaxes that can trigger hatred, bullying, and even violence. It's better to re-check the information we get through more than one reliable source so that the truth is more validated," said Ust. Martomo.
On February 15, 2025, AQUA participated in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Center for Al-Quran Studies (PSQ) at the Istiqlal Mosque which presented a number of well-known ustadz, such as Habib Ja'far, Dr. Fahruddin Faiz, Habib Jindan bin Novel, and Prof. M. Quraish Shihab.
In addition, AQUA is also collaborating with the Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) in supporting the development of a critical and broad-minded Muslim youth generation. This event coincided with the 71st IPNU Birthday commemoration on March 9, 2025 which was attended by the Minister of Religion Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar and the General Chairperson of the IPNU Central Executive, Muhammad Agil Nuruzzaman.
AQUA itself has entered into partnerships with the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque through various activities to support public health, the environment, and social activities. In the health sector, AQUA regularly holds gymnastics together every Friday, as well as providing hydration products to support various partnership activities and healthy lifestyle education in this mosque.
In the environmental sector, since 2023 AQUA and the Istiqlal Mosque have joined the Indonesian Sedekah and Kolekte Waste Movement (GRADASI) as efforts to manage waste and education from pilgrims about the importance of maintaining cleanliness in houses of worship. This initiative was followed by the provision of waste transport cars in April 2024 to increase the capacity of waste management in the mosque environment.
In the social aspect, AQUA in collaboration with the Istiqlal Mosque and other partners held a low-cost basic food exchange program for underprivileged communities. This initiative is part of AQUA's commitment to spreading kindness and helping ease the burden on others during a month full of blessings.
"We are very happy to be back in collaboration with the Istiqlal Mosque during Ramadan 2025. Through this partnership, we want to continue to contribute to spreading goodness, strengthening friendship, and supporting those in need. We hope this activity will not only benefit the people, but also inspire more people to share happiness in this blessed month," concluded Arif.
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