JAKARTA - Ulama and religious leaders Hanan Attaki invite mining business actors to carry the principle of sustainability in the use of natural resources, including in the mineral mining process.

This was conveyed by Hanan in the hopes of mining actors, MIND ID in breaking the fast with Group MIND ID in Jakarta, Thursday, March 12.

According to him, human duties in the world not only teach the use of nature, but also emphasize the importance of maintaining the balance of the ecosystem for the sake of sustainability for future generations.

"God has allowed humans to take advantage of metals and other natural resources, but there is a big responsibility behind that," he was quoted as saying Thursday, March 13.

In a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who emphasized the importance of planting trees, even at the end of the time. According to him, this is a strong message of sustainability and how human actions today can provide benefits for future generations.

"What we are doing today may not be enjoyed in person, but it can be useful for generations after us," he explained.

Furthermore, he stressed that in Islam, taking advantage of nature is allowed, but must be accompanied by awareness to maintain its balance. He underlined the human concept as a caliph on earth, which is responsible for protecting the environment.

"We are caliphs on earth, our job is not only to take advantage of nature, but also to maintain balance and sustainability. This is an ecological contract between humans and God," he added.

On this occasion, he invited the public, especially mining business actors, to be increasingly aware of their role in protecting the environment and implementing a sustainable lifestyle in their daily lives.

According to him, sustainability is not only an environmental issue, but also part of religious teachings that emphasize balance and affection for living things.

"We have to start from small things, such as reducing waste, planting trees, and using resources wisely. All of this is part of our worship for Allah," said Hanan.

Previously, MIND ID Corporate Secretary Heri Yusuf said that MIND ID Group strives to consistently cooperate with the community in implementing environmental management programs, especially the community around operational areas. He emphasized that the community has the ability to run sustainable environmental management programs and is able to bring environmental management programs into something that has a social and economic impact.

In addition, the MIND ID Group is also trying to provide technology that is able to be a driver in improving the benefits of environmental management programs.

"MIND ID Groups always strive so that the programs run are not only annulling obligations, but also ensuring that the benefits can be felt in a sustainable manner," concluded Heri.

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