JAKARTA - PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) has again shown its commitment to protecting the environment through the innovation of the Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) program which received appreciation at the Fortune Indonesia Change The World Awards 2024.

This program plays an important role in reducing plastic waste, supporting the target of reducing plastic waste in the oceans by up to 70% by 2025, and creating shared value (CSV) for companies and communities.

Indonesia is one of the largest contributors to plastic waste in the world, with total production reaching 69.9 million tons per year, of which 13.2 million tons are plastic bottle waste.

PT PP's Corporate Secretary, Joko Raharjo, revealed that through the Reverse Vending Machine program, his party is trying to recycle PET 1 plastic bottles into Geotextile Non-Woven, important materials in construction such as roads, toll roads, and dams.

Joko further said that the positive impact of the program from August 2024 to November 2, 2024, was that it had made a real contribution, including reducing the carbon footprint by 614,396 Grams. In addition, collecting 116.05 kg of plastic bottles which was then processed into various Geotextile specifications with total production reaching 2,333.5 M2. This program also encourages zero-waste lifestyle in the company environment.

Each participating employee will receive prize points based on the number of plastic bottles collected. Monitoring processes are carried out through a cloud-based system, enabling data transparency and periodic evaluation of the number of plastic bottles collected and their impact on the environment.

The PTPP program is also in line with several sustainable development goals for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These include responsible consumption and production, marine ecosystems, and reducing marine pollution.

Joko hopes that this initiative can be an inspiration for various parties in protecting the environment as well as providing sustainable economic benefits.

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