JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Industry (Wamenperin) Faisol Riza asked Shopee's online sales platform to implement the labeling of Made in Indonesia or Indonesian-made goods for products produced by local industries, thus helping to realize 8 percent economic growth.

The Deputy Minister of Industry after visiting the Shopee office in Jakarta, Friday, January 31, said that his party was pushing for this, considering the dominant visibility of imported products compared to domestic products on various online sales platforms.

"Local products must get a larger portion on marketplace platforms such as Shopee. In fact, if necessary there is a special label Made in Indonesia so that consumers know that the goods they buy are domestic products," he said, quoted by Antara.

The Deputy Minister of Industry said that the platform must also display information on the origin of the production country, especially for imported goods sold at a cheaper price. This is useful to avoid unfair trade.

"Consumers have the right to know the origin of the products they buy. Transparency is important to create healthy and fair competition," said the Deputy Minister of Industry.

Furthermore, Deputy Minister of Industry Faisol Riza also invites consumers to prioritize domestic products rather than imported goods when shopping on online platforms.

According to him, support for domestic products is not enough just through the government's efforts, but must be accompanied by the commitment of producers to improve quality and competitiveness.

"I am optimistic that domestic industries can continue to develop and compete in the global market. And to support that, this is a shared responsibility," said the Deputy Minister of Industry.

He said that in the future the government plans to conduct routine evaluations of marketplace platforms to ensure that the policies that have been agreed upon can be implemented properly.

"We will continue to supervise and evaluate to ensure that domestic products get a decent place in the marketplace market," he said.

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