Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Food Zulkifli Hasan or Zulhas stated that Perum Bulog received a budget of Rp. 16.6 trillion from the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani to absorb 3 million tons of rice from February to April 2025.

Zulhas said that Perum Bulog had prepared funds worth Rp. 23 trillion to absorb the 3 million tons of rice.

"Well, we discussed it for a long time regarding Bulog. The finances are no longer a problem. Bulog money has IDR 23 trillion, it's ready. Now it has been agreed IDR 16.6 trillion from the Minister of Finance," said Zulhas at Graha Mandiri, Friday, January 31.

So, currently Perum Bulog has pocketed IDR 39 trillion for the next three months. Zulhas emphasized that Perum Bulog no longer has a reason not to be able to buy at the price set by the government.

According to him, Perum Bulog cannot run alone in carrying out this mandate. Thus, cooperation from the central government to the village is needed.

"It is necessary to support all parties, including the minister of interior, governor, regent, sub-district head to the village. Because this rice field, right, to the village needs support, we need to monitor it together. We help together with Bulog to absorb the unhulled rice at a predetermined price," he said.

In addition, he stated that the draft Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding agricultural extensions had been completed. The Presidential Instruction (Inpres) on irrigation has also been signed by President Prabowo Subianto.

Then, the presidential regulation (Perpres) regarding the commodity balance has been completed and the Presidential Decree on fertilizers has also been completed.

"So, the four who support the main main foundation so that we can self-sufficiency in food have all become the same. So, there is no more reason we cannot carry out the orders of the President (Prabowo Subianto) to be self-sufficient in food as quickly as possible," he concluded.

To note, Perum Bulog targets to absorb 1.4 million tons of rice in the first harvest season which will take place in March and April 2025.

Bulog Corporate Secretary Arwakhudin explained that the absorption of 1.4 million tons of rice at this year's harvest will be divided into three types, namely dry harvest unhulled rice (GKP), dry milling unhulled rice (GKG) and rice.

He said the distribution of this type of absorption was carried out because each type of commodity had a different need.

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