JAKARTA - PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KAI Commuter) will close Karet Station in April 2025.
KAI Commuter President Director Asdo Artriviyanto said that later this station would be integrated with BNI City Station, and Sudirman Station.
Asdo said, there were actually no plans for KCI to close Karet Station after the arrangement and integration of the three stations.
"So Karet Station, there has always been no plan for closure. So this rubber station is integrated. This is actually a long plan, right, since 2020," he told the media crew, Thursday, January 3.
Furthermore, Asdo added, currently the condition of Karet Station is not suitable to raise and lower passengers.
"Therefore, passengers will go up and down through BNI City Stations. What is more comfortable, better is the station and the platform is wider," said Asdo.
Later, continued bdia, KCI will cooperate with KAI, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, and MRT to integrate the three stations, which are located close together.
Karet Station, BNI City Station and Sudirman Station will be equipped with pedestrian access or pedestrian and canopy access.
Meanwhile, Karet Station will be converted into a public area by presenting tenants for the community.
"There is a skybridge that connects from Dukuh Atas to Sudirman, then from Sudirman we make a hallway towards BNI City. Later in the Karet area this will become an area for the public, including there will be good tenants, neat," explained Asdo.
For now, Asdo revealed that his party is in the process of being integrated by buying a canopy at the west end of BNI City Station.
"Later, God willing, everything will be finished in April," said Asdo.
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