JAKARTA - BUMN Holding Indonesian Mining Industry, MIND ID, consistently reduces carbon footprint to achieve the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (Enhanced NDC) target by 2030.

The MIND ID Group decarbonization initiative has been consistently implemented through energy efficiency used in operational and production activities, the use of new and renewable energy, to the use of environmentally friendly fuels.

MIND ID's Corporate Secretary, Heri Yusuf said, the total energy consumption of the MIND ID Group in 2022 is 40.77 Giga Joule, increasing to 44.5 Giga Joule in 2023, and increasing proportionally again in line with strengthening operational performance and developing downstream assets in 2024.

From 2022 to 2024, the MIND ID Group is able to consistently maintain the use of renewable energy of more than 40 percent in the company's operations. The renewable energy used includes hydroelectric power plants (PLTA), biomasses and Solar Power Plants (PLTS).

"In addition, the MIND ID Group also continues to strive to increase the use of low-energy emission sources, including biofuels and LNG, and consistently implement an energy management system to achieve optimal energy management," said Hery, Wednesday, January 29.

He continued, the MIND ID Group also strengthens automation and digitization to improve the company's operational efficiency through the implementation of e-mining reporting systems, electric pumps, bucket wheel excavators for coal management, underground LOCO or electric locomotive systems, as well as the use of battery electric loaders.

"With the ongoing strengthening of digitalization, the MIND ID Group is increasing the sustainable energy efficiency of all operational activities," continued Hery.

Furthermore, the MIND ID Group is exploring a more optimal decarbonization scenario, including by conducting co-firing, nature-based solutions, and carbon capture utilization studies.

"The program that we run is long-term, and its optimization will continue to increase so that it has a big impact on efforts to reduce emissions while at the same time supporting the company's future operations," concluded Heri.

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