JAKARTA - The Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) and the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance are strengthening collaboration in supporting the transition of the latest tax system implementation, namely Galitax.

Apindo Chairman Shinta Kamdani said that shifting taxation to a new system such as the DGT beliax is a big step that requires close collaboration for its success.

"We appreciate DGT's proactive steps to open a dialogue space with Apindo as the representative of the business world, to listen to the aspirations of the business world and find joint solutions," he said in his statement, Wednesday, January 15.

With this collaboration, Shinta is optimistic that the business world can continue to support the national development agenda and parties are committed to supporting DGT in creating a more progressive and inclusive tax system.

"Apindo as the representative of the business world hopes that the implementation of the graffiti will not only encourage tax compliance but also strengthen a conducive business climate and support national economic growth," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Taxes, Suryo Utomo, stated that the DGT is committed to providing full support to taxpayers during the transition period.

"We understand that the implementation of this new system presents technical challenges in the field. Therefore, DGT provides a special transition period for the application of beliax, as DGT also provides a transition period when implementing the VAT rate of 11 percent for three months," he said.

Suryo ensured that there would be no additional burden on taxpayers in the form of administrative sanctions for delays or errors in making Tax Facilities caused by technical constraints in the implementation of the graffiti.

"The transition period has not yet been determined because it requires a deeper assessment, of course until this DGT beliax can be used properly. Later, this transition period will be regulated through the Regulation of the Director General of Taxes (Perdirjen) to provide legal certainty for taxpayers," he said.

Secretary of the Apindo Advisory Council, Suryadi Sasmita emphasized the importance of ongoing coaching support from DGT to maintain business continuity in the midst of technical challenges faced.

"Business actors need assurances that they can continue to carry out business activities without worrying about sanctions during the transition process that is outside the control of entrepreneurs," he said.

Suryadi hopes that DGT will continue to provide coaching support, not just enforcement, during this transition period. A cooperative approach will help the business world adapt faster to a new system while increasing trust in the government.

Regarding the solution to the technical constraints of beliax, DGT explained the various steps that have been and will be taken to overcome the technical problems of beliax.

One of the issues raised is the reporting of Article 26 PPh for the December 2024 period, which can still be done through legacy applications such as e-Bupot PPh Article 21 or e-Bupot Unification.

In addition, the DGT is accelerating the data migration process to ensure that manual reporting can still be carried out smoothly.

DGT also overcomes the problem of accessing foreign labor directors (TKA) who already have NPWP but have difficulty obtaining electronic certificates. Validation of immigration data and the beliax system is being repaired to ensure easier and safer access for foreign taxpayers.

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