JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Yuliot Tanjung revealed that the government will immediately temporarily stop (moratorium) the issuance of new permits for the use of groundwater in the DKI Jakarta area.
This follows a land subsidence subsidence, especially in the North Jakarta area.
"We are also with the Head of the Agency (Geology) in the context of controlling it, this new groundwater permit in Jakarta will not be issued yet," Yuliot told the media crew when met at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Wednesday, January 8.
Despite the moratorium, Yuliot ensured that people who had obtained permits could still take groundwater in accordance with the provisions.
The permit moratorium policy will later coordinate with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.
"If it's been going on for a long time, it's already running. So later we will consolidate with the DKI Regional Government first," continued Yuliot.
Previously, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi, said that excessive groundwater extraction caused land subsidence, exacerbating tidal flooding.
"For the tidal waves that are now being discussed a lot, there are various reasons. Among other things, the condition of the land that always drops, is one of the causes," said Teguh at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, December 17.
The DKI Provincial Government also continues to socialize so that people no longer use groundwater for their daily needs. Thus, the impact of the tidal flood severity due to land subsidence can be suppressed.
"It is better to continue to use and utilize PAM's clean water network, not to use excessive groundwater, because it can help this city reduce from land subsidence, where if friends play in the northern coastal area, our bodies are already under sea level," he added.
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