JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita openly disclosed the condition of the national industry.
Before receiving a visit from the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Yassierli at his office, Agus said, for example, starting from industrial policies that are not in the hands of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), including export-import governance policies.
Not only that, Agus said, the provisions concerned with the competitiveness of the industrial sector in Indonesia are also not available at the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker).
In fact, he said, these two ministries have a big interest in the growth of the manufacturing sector and the creation of employment opportunities in the country.
"Indeed, this ministry is unique. Because in my view, this is an assessment that I convey jokingly, but I think the first is the Minister of Manpower, there should be no job loss and secondly there must be job creation," he continued.
It's just that, continued Agus, most of his policies (related to employment) are not in the Ministry of Manpower.
"The loss of jobs and job creation are mostly policies that do not exist in the Ministry of Manpower. So, it depends on other ministries. Job creation and job loss are in other ministries. And one of the important things for the Ministry of Manpower is the Ministry of Industry. Because the Ministry of Industry certainly likes not to absorb labor is quite large," he said.
"The growth of the national manufacturing sector also depends heavily on the policies of other ministries. For example, to develop the manufacturing sector, several policies are not with us. At several meetings I have conveyed. For example, regarding gas prices for industry. That is a trivial thing for industry, but it is competitiveness," he added.
This, he added, is an example of how industrial-related policies do not become the authority of the Ministry of Industry with the need to boost the performance of the national manufacturing industry.
According to Agus, this is an example of how industrial-related policies are not the authority of the Ministry of Industry with the need to boost the performance of the national manufacturing industry.
"Policies to manage or manage export-imports, for example, related to the environment, limited prohibition, are not with us, especially at the Ministry of Manpower. During my first meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, I conveyed 1 slide about how naked Indonesia is from a merchant country," he said.
"I've shown that. Very naked Indonesia for goods that enter the country, the protection is very minimal. In fact, compared to countries that we consider liberal, they are more protective than us. They measure thousands, but that policy is not in us," he continued.
Not to mention, continued Agus, policies related to incentives or stimulus for potential investors are also not available at the Ministry of Industry.
"So, it is equally sad that the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Manpower have to face a lot. We have to coordinate with other ministries," he said.
Moreover, he said, if there is a factory that is closed.
Thus, Agus considered that his ministry and the Ministry of Manpower would immediately be visited.
"If there is a closed factory that is troublesome for Gatot Subroto, between the Ministry of Manpower and the Ministry of Industry or both. Frankly, no one has ever come to another office because the factory is closed. At the Ministry of Industry I always convey to my office friends, to domestic officials, this is not because in front of the Minister (Yassierli), yes, what I prioritize is job creation," he concluded.
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