Minister of Cooperatives Budi Arie Setiadi revealed that the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program has four main goals for the community to achieve the target of Indonesia Gold 2045.
"There are four main objectives of the Free Nutrition Food program, namely, preparing superior resources, reducing stunting rates, reducing poverty and moving the community's economy so that the ideals of Indonesia Gold in 2045 can be achieved as well as possible," said Budi Arie as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 6.
Meanwhile, at around 08.00 WIB, the food menu was delivered by using a van type commercial car.
The food served with a stainless steel container complete with the lid contains a menu in the form of teriyaki sauce chicken, beans complete with rice and a fruit in the form of bananas.
The Minister of Cooperatives admitted that today milk has not been distributed in the MBG menu at SD 05 Angkasa. But in the future, milk will be tried so that it can be included in the menu so as to increase the nutrition of school children.
Budi Arie explained that the Primary Air Force Cooperatives (Primkopau) and the Inkopau Cooperative supply raw materials for the MBG program in the Halim Perdana Kusuma complex area.
"This cooperative here is in Halim, there is a cooperative with Inkopau, there is Primkopau that can support raw materials for free nutritious programs in Angkasa. Five schools here," said Budi Arie.
The Coordinating Minister this morning, inspected the kitchen for up to three classes, namely grade 1 to grade 3 SD 05 Angkasa which distributed a total of 73 servings of food. Meanwhile, at around 10:00 WIB, 53 servings were distributed for grades 4.5 and 6.
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