Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) was prepared with the assumption that next year's economic development and projection will be dynamic and full of geopolitical uncertainty.

"This important role requires the state budget to continue to maintain its health, credibility, and sustainability so that it does not become a source of problems," he said during the delivery of DIPA, Tuesday, December 10.

Sri Mulyani said that Indonesia continues to be able to maintain a balance between efforts to progress economic growth and equity by maintaining stability and sustainability.

"This achievement is not easy and needs to be maintained due to shocks and turmoil, as well as the crisis that will continue to occur such as the COVID-19 pandemic, global political dynamics, security, such as conflicts in Russia, Ukraine, in the Middle East, as well as war and economic tensions and trade wars between major countries," he said.

Sri Mulyani said that the Indonesian economy in the 2022-2024 period is estimated to grow in the range of 5 percent amid the slowdown in the global economy and trade war and protectionism as well as geopolitical conflicts that cause commodity price volatility.

Therefore, Sri Mulyani emphasized that she continues to strive to maintain the momentum of growth by maintaining price stability by maintaining low inflation.

"Inflation in November 2024 is 1.55 percent year on year, including the lowest in the world. Consumption is maintained, investment performance continues to be improved and exports show an increasing trend. Thank God Indonesia's trade balance has reached a surplus of 54 consecutive months," he said.

Sri Mulyani emphasized that this shows the resilience and potential of the Indonesian economy in sectors that are able to produce export commodities such as manufacturing and sectors that grow in the country such as trade and construction.

"With relatively good and stable economic achievements until 2024, this will be a foothold for accelerating development targets and better and higher economic growth in 2025 and 5 years in the future," he said.

Sri Mulyani explained that the government and the DPR had agreed to state spending in 2025 of IDR 3,621.3 trillion, an increase of 8.9 percent compared to the 2024 State Budget.

Where central government spending reached Rp2,701.4 trillion which was intended to encourage government priority programs in the fields of education, health, social protection, food security and energy and housing.

Meanwhile, the transfer allocation to the regions is IDR 919.9 trillion, which is intended to support, accelerate economic growth and inclusive services. Then the 2025 state revenue target is IDR 3,005.1 trillion.

Sri Mulyani said that this income would be obtained through efforts to collect state revenue sources from taxes, customs and non-tax state revenues optimally.

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