JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) proposes an allocation of IDR 23.61 trillion from the 2025 budget prioritized to support the rice self-sufficiency program, in order to strengthen national food security.

Following up on the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Prabowo Subianto, on various occasions ordered the Ministry of Agriculture to have food self-sufficiency (rice) realized in the shortest possible time. So we propose a reprioritization of the use of the 2025 budget as follows, activities to support food self-sufficiency (rice) of Rp. 23.61 trillion," said Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, December 5.

The Minister of Agriculture admitted that the proposal had been submitted by a Working Meeting with Commission IV of the DPR RI in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 4.

A budget of that size, said the Minister of Agriculture, will be allocated for optimization activities of land covering an area of 851 thousand hectares, new rice fields printing covering an area of 225 thousand hectares, pumping for rainsheds covering an area of 500 thousand hectares.

Then, the management of potential land with the Ministry of Public Works covering an area of 300 thousand hectares, and overlapping the gogo rice on plantation and oil palm plants, which covers an area of 300 thousand hectares.

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture has also allocated a budget of IDR 413.67 billion to support the Nutrition Food Program.

This budget allocation was lowered in the form of assistance for vegetable and fruit seeds, sweet potatoes, and laying hens amounting to 600 thousand for the Berkangan Pangan Bergizi program in 2,500 villages.

Of the total budget of the Ministry of Agriculture in 2025 which reached Rp29.37 trillion, the Minister of Agriculture targets rice production of 32.83 million tons, corn 16.68 million tons, soybean 334 thousand tons, various chilies 3.08 million tons, shallots 1.99 million tons, coffee 772 thousand tons, cocoa 641 thousand tons, sugarcane 36 million tons, coconut 2.88 million tons, beef/cash 399.41 thousand tons, and chicken meat 4.34 million tons.

He also said that based on the Outstanding Contract calculation, the realization of budget implementation as of November 30, 2024, reached Rp. 13.12 trillion or 84.29 percent of the APBN ceiling of Rp. 15.56 trillion.

"And if you take into account the Automatic Adjusment block, the realization will reach 86.64 percent," said the Minister of Agriculture.

In the remaining one month, the Minister of Agriculture admitted to continuing to accelerate all activities and realization of budget absorption.

"And targeting the realization of budget absorption by the end of December 2024 at least 96 percent," said the Minister of Agriculture.

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