Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the millennial generation and Gen Z were the backbone to reach Indonesia Gold 2045.
This was conveyed by Agus when giving briefing materials to the younger generation who attended the Industrial Festival 3 activities in Surabaya, East Java, Wednesday, December 4.
"Because these millennials and Gen Z, right, which will be the backbone of success or failure, we take advantage of the demographic bonus and whether or not we succeed in showing Indonesia Gold 2045," said Agus.
Agus assessed that the most important thing that must be done by the younger generation is to continue to gain knowledge and adapt to science which is always growing, dynamic and continues to grow.
"The science is not definite knowledge, but also other knowledge from outside the knowledge that he will have high relevance to the landscape from the future, the world in the future," he said.
According to him, Indonesia must be able to create a young generation who can answer all these challenges, which they can master knowledge, especially for the manufacturing sector.
Because, according to Agus, it is necessary to realize that one of the keys to manufacturing success is when the government can transform factories to domestic production facilities to industry 4.0.
"Which we trust in industry 4.0 can help the production process in factories become more efficient. This means that the cost of production will be higher or the productivity will increase," said Agus.
Thus, Agus said, later the competitiveness of national products will be better than other countries.
"Our goods will be much more competitive because the production process already uses 4.0 or the 4.0 principle, which is actually the efficiency in the production process," he said.
For your information, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) held the Industrial Fest 2024 on December 4-5 in Surabaya, East Java. The 2024 Industrial Fest itself carries the theme "Are You Fit for the Future?"
The series of activities that will be carried out at the 2024 Industrial Festival in Surabaya include Public Lectures with the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Talkshow Community Engagement, Workshop, P3DN Talkshow, Industrial Empowerment Forum, Mini Expo, Factory Tour, Public Services on Location, BPIPI Development Product Performance, BDI, BPIFK Ministry of Industry, Art Show, Photo Competition & Journalistic Articles and Creative Content Competition.
Then, the 2024 Industrial Festival also presented nine Workshop sessions in collaboration with BPSDMI, BPIPI and P3DN Center. This activity was attended by 270 participants with 30 participants per session consisting of students, vocational students, IKM players and young entrepreneurs.
Some of the workshop themes include Business Model Canvas (BMC), Social Media Marketing, Design Thinking for Digital Apps, Using AI for Business, Video Creator, Product Photos, Simple Dashboard Health Monitoring and Business Growth for Beginners, Clothing Skin Sandals to TKDN Certification Procedures.
Furthermore, in an effort to bring together business tenants with potential buyers, the 2024 Industrial Fest also held a Mini Expo for domestic products that were certified TKDN and certified halal, BDI fostered products, BPIPI, BPIFK, IKMA to the Surabaya City Government with 64 tenants.
Not only that, the Ministry of Industry will also carry out a factory tour to PT Nestle Surabaya with the Deputy Minister of Industry (Wamenperin), the Agro Industry Directorate along with the media, influencers, students and communities to provide direct experience in the manufacturing industry business process from upstream to downstream.
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