JAKARTA - President Director of Holding BUMN Mining Industry MIND ID, Hendi Prio Santoso asked for the support of Commission XII DPR RI to limit the construction of the new nickel commodity smelter or refining industry

Hendi asked Commission XII, which is considered to have the power to influence trading procedures, governance because it holds the regulatory aspect.

"We hope that there will be support from the governance side asking for restrictions on the number of smelters carried out," said Hendi in a Hearing Meeting with the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission XII, Wednesday, December 4.

He explained that the large number of smelters operating could cause oversupply of nickel commodities in the world and could affect the price of nickel derivative products.

He gave an example of ferronickel products which are products from second-class nickel smelters. According to Hendi, the price of ferronickel has fallen due to excess supply in the world market.

"So now the price of ferronickel has barely covered production costs," added Hendi.

On the same occasion, Hendi also asked for support from Commission XII to build a power plant for MIND ID needs, including the construction of a smelter. The energy needs of MIND ID are estimated to reach 5 GW and are not yet included in the Electric Power Supply Business Plan (RUPTL)

"So we ask for permission so that we can more freely provide electricity for our own needs," said Hendi.

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