JAKARTA - The Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) of Mukomuko Regency in Bengkulu Province, applies learning through online or online media to limit children's activities outside the home.
This decision was made after the death of a resident of Tunggal Jaya Village who was allegedly eaten by a tiger.
"We discussed with the Principal's Work Conference (MMKS) forum this morning, it was decided for elementary and junior high schools at the scene of the incident while learning was carried out online," said Head of the Elementary School Education Division of the Education Office of the Education and Culture (Disdikbud) Mukomuko Ramon Hoski when contacted, Wednesday, January 8, quoted by Antara.
A resident of Tunggal Jaya Village, Teras Terunjam District, named Ibnu Oktavianto (22) was found dead in Ari Cahyono's oil palm plantation on Tuesday, January 7 at around 23.30 WIB.
The victim, who worked daily to find grass for her goat feed, was found dead, allegedly being eaten by a tiger in an oil palm plantation in the area.
He mentioned that there were three schools, namely two elementary schools and one junior high school in three villages, namely Tunggal Jaya Village, Mekar Jaya Village, and Karang Jaya which were at the scene of the incident where residents died allegedly being eaten by tigers.
"These three schools, namely SDN 03 Teras Terunjam, SDN 05 Teras Terunjam and SMPN 08 Mukomuko," he said.
He said this online learning aims to limit children's activities and activities outside the home.
The principal through the MKKS forum was asked to continue to coordinate with the village head regarding the development of environmental security in the area per day, especially for children.
According to him, his party applies this to be aware of the safety factors of elementary and junior high school students.
Mukomuko Police Chief AKBP Yana Supriatna in her statement explained the chronology of the incident on Tuesday, January 7 at around 15.00 WIB, the victim carried out his routine of taking grass for the victim's goat cattle in the oil palm plantation.
Then, at around 22:00 WIB the victim had not yet returned home, after that the victim's grandmother immediately contacted the neighbors to look for the victim.
Then, on Tuesday night at around 22.10 WIB, the surrounding community searched for victims tracing all community gardens in Tunggal Jaya Village, Teras Terunjam District.
At around 23.30 WIB, the community found the victim in Ari Cahyono's oil palm plantation, who had died, allegedly due to being attacked by wild animals, namely tigers.
Then, at around 01.30 WIB the victim was evacuated by the community accompanied by members of the Teras Terunjam Police.
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