JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Rini Widyantini stated that the bureaucracy is a development engine so that bureaucratic reform is not only about improving internal governance.

"The bureaucratic reform focuses on internal efficiency efforts as well as solving strategic national development issues such as poverty and investment," Minister Rini said in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 1.

According to him, bureaucratic reform is not only about improving internal bureaucratic governance, but also about how the quality of the policies are issued.

This policy, said Minister Rini, must be felt directly and in line with the needs of the community and support the achievement of the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045.

"Therefore, we must be able to adapt the human based governance approach and digital transformation," he said.

Rini said that the implementation of bureaucratic reform showed a good increase. The trend of the average Bureaucratic Reform Index shows an increase in the number, both in ministries/agencies and in provinces/districts/cities.

According to him, the average RB Index in ministries/agencies in 2023 was 76.81, then in 2014 it was recorded 52.31. Meanwhile, in the province, the previous 69.71 were only 41.62, while in districts/cities it was 59.32 previously 55.97.

The last 5 years of reform of the Indonesian bureaucracy, continued Rini, has also contributed significantly to various achievements on a global scale that led Indonesia to a fairly competitive position with various countries in the world.

First, based on Worldwide Governance Indicators, Indonesia managed to move up from 99 (2017) to 73 (2022) for Government Effectiveness and rose from 94 to 87 for Regulatory Quality.

Second, Indonesia's ranking in the Global Innovation Index rose from rank 85 (2019) to 54 (2024). Third, Indonesia's Electronic Government Development Index (EGDI) rating rose from 107 (2017) to 64 (2024). Fourth, Indonesia's ranking from a business sector perspective is also no less competitive with other countries.

"Through strong collaboration between the government and universities, it can create bureaucracy that is innovative, transparent, and oriented towards public services," Minister Rini said in a written statement.

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