JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Development of the Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono Region accompanied by Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo and Deputy Minister of Public Works Diana Kusumastuti inspected the giant sea wall embankment project in the Kalibaru area, North Jakarta.

AHY was seen wearing a white shirt to visit a number of locations for the PU Ministry project which was part of the work of the giant embankment. Among them are Kalibaru National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD), Ancol Sentiong Pump and Muara Baru NCICD.

He said that the Ministry of Public Works had made arrangements at NCICD Kalibaru to prevent tidal flooding on the north coast of Jakarta.

"Today, we from the Coordinating Ministry for Infrastructure and Development of Service visited directly to see Kalibaru which has been well arranged. We know that the people of the north coast of Jakarta are always threatened with disasters, namely tidal flooding," said AHY at the location, Monday, November 4.

According to him, land subsidence is one of the causes of tidal flooding in the area.

"Land subsidence or land subsidence occurs at any time. Even in some places in a year it can decrease by 10 cm. If there is no effort, this is dangerous," he said.

The Coordinating Minister said that what the government had done through the Ministry of Public Works was one of the efforts to save the community from the threat of tidal flooding.

"This means that we are trying to save the human soul, the soul of the community, our brothers and sisters who have lived in this location for a long time. I as Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure want to convince together with the Minister and the ranks of Public Works so that future development is also always oriented towards efforts to improve safety and also the quality of life of the community," said AHY.

"For example, when we prevent land subsidence because of the magnitude of taking water from the ground. This is certainly an exploitation after decades. We are trying to make water supply, including raw water, which can also support the needs of residents," he concluded.

The giant sea wall or giant sea wall embankment is one of President Prabowo Subianto's focuses in infrastructure. The construction of this giant embankment is very important to save the coast in northern Java which has collapsed and eroded abrasion.

Not only that, this giant sea embankment is also a provider of water raw materials in the future. So, with this project, it is hoped that the community will no longer suck up groundwater.

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