JAKARTA - PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon) officially signed an update of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP Muhammadiyah) today, Wednesday, October 23, 2024.

The signing of the update which took place at the PP Muhammadiyah Headquarters was attended by Halim Alamsyah, Deputy President Commissioner Danamon; Daisuke Ejima, President Director of Danamon; Herry Hykmanto, Director of Sharia and Sustainability Finance Danamon, together with Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsuddin, Chairman of the Sharia Supervisory Board Danamon, along with Muhammadiyah central board of directors Prof. Dr. H Haedar Nashir, M.Si., General Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Central Leadership; Dr. H. Anwar Abbas, MM, Chairman of MSMEs, Community Empowerment and Environment Muhammadiyah Central Leaders; Prof. Hilman Latief, MA, Ph.D., General Treasurer of Muhammadiyah Central Leaders; Ahmad Imam Mujadid Rais, M.Ir. - Chairman of the PP Muhammadiyah Lazismu Management Board.

This MoU update aims to strengthen the cooperation that has existed between Danamon and PP Muhammadiyah since 2012, with a main focus on improving people's welfare through various strategic fields such as education, health, finance, and philanthropy.

The collaboration between Danamon and PP Muhammadiyah is not limited to one field, but has reached various sectors that play an important role in the social welfare of the Indonesian people. This collaboration involves Danamon's support for the entire Muhammadiyah Council and Charity, including the Council of Diktilitbang, Dikdasmen & Non-Formal Education and several Muhammadiyah universities such as Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, Muhammadiyah Kupang University, Muhammadiyah Maumere University and Muhammadiyah University Bogor Raya.

Danamon is committed to supporting the digitization of Muhammadiyah by collaborating with several amil zakat (LAZ) and waqf institutions under the auspices of Muhammadiyah, such as Lazismu Pusat, Lazismu Aceh, Lazismu Makassar and Wakafmu Pusat as well as the development of education and payment systems within universities and schools so that activities of social, philanthropy and education activities carried out by Muhammadiyah are more efficient for wider community welfare and are also supported by assistance funding programs.

Support is also given to various BPRS under the auspices of Muhammadiyah through financing solutions for the development of Islamic Institutions, facilities and members of Muhammadiyah (Financing Ownership of Sharia, Hajj & Umrah, and Financing Sharia Vehicle Ownership), as well as financial literacy to assist Muhammadiyah sustainability and resilience.

D. Ejima as President Director of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, in his speech expressed his appreciation for Muhammadiyah for the trust that has been given in this collaboration.

"The cooperation that has existed for more than a decade is proof of the commitment of both parties to jointly improve the welfare of the Indonesian people. We hope this opportunity can open up more opportunities for collaboration in the future, and strengthen well-developed relations so far," he said.

Herry Hykmanto, Director of Sharia and Sustainability Finance Danamon, added that this MoU will further strengthen Danamon's role in supporting the Muhammadiyah banking ecosystem, especially in holistic financial management.

"With the signing of this MoU, we hope to strengthen the banking service ecosystem for Muhammadiyah. We are very optimistic that this collaboration will provide great benefits, not only for Danamon, but also for the Muhammadiyah community. Danamon Syariah is ready to become a strategic partner that supports economic digitization, especially in the fields of education, hospitals, LAZISMU, and Muhammadiyah Business Amal (AUM)," explained Herry.

Danamon, as a bank that has local and global reach, offers financial solutions that can be adjusted to customer needs. Through Danamon Syariah, Danamon hopes that this collaboration will provide optimal benefits for all parties involved, including all Muhammadiyah residents and institutions under the auspices of Muhammadiyah.

With integrated banking services, Muhammadiyah is expected to manage finances more efficiently and transparently, both for educational, health, and philanthropic activities, especially through more effective zakat, infaq and alms management.

As part of this collaboration, Danamon is committed to continuing to support the development of digital services and banking innovation which will provide convenience for all parties in Muhammadiyah. With the same spirit, Danamon and Muhammadiyah are ready to face various challenges in the future in realizing the welfare of the Indonesian people through sustainable cooperation.

Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Haedar Nashir welcomed the expansion of the cooperation with Danamon. The cooperation that was built must continue to pay attention to the principles of good government. In addition, it must also be professionalism, maintain security, and maintain its mandate. For Muhammadiyah, the main values must have an impact on the progress of the people, not only in religious obedience but also in the life of civilization.

"For us, religion must also take care of life, not only sacred ones. And all of that must remain moderate," explained Haedar.

The banking world for Muhammadiyah is not only for business and financial matters, but also for the social and philanthropic aspects of the people. Banking must provide as much benefit as possible for the people, especially MSMEs must be taken seriously, not only as a policy'sampir'.

Haedar hopes that the synergy between Danamon and PP Muhammadiyah will continue so that Danamon's role can continue to provide the widest possible benefits for the revival of the people through optimizing the implementation of the community economy.

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