JAKARTA - We all know how easy it is to click and buy goods from home. However, now many brands are starting to wake up, direct interactions with customers are also important. Industry players are starting to combine online and offline shopping experiences, creating opportunities that make us feel a unique experience when shopping.

People now want more than just buying goods. They look for interactive and fun experiences. One solution that becomes a trend is the pop-up booth. Here, we can experience the products offered directly. Not only that, various interesting activities are also provided to make us feel at home for a long time. Customers can interact directly with sellers, take pictures, and even immediately try the product.

The experience of shopping in this way not only benefits brands, but also customers. With direct interaction, we can get more complete information about products. We can also interact with people who have the same interest, creating closer communities.

As 9to9 Indonesia did, celebrating its 7th anniversary with the theme "Seventh Heaven" in September 2024. This celebration was held to honor loyal customers who have supported 9to9 Indonesia for seven years.

The highlight of the event took place on September 9, 2024, when 9to9 successfully held a TikTok Live Shopping for 24 hours, which was an important achievement in e-commerce. As part of the celebration, 9to9 also opened a booth in Kota Kasablanka from 16 to 22 September 2024.

Karina Wening, Marketing Communication 9to9 Indonesia, expressed her joy at this achievement.

"We are very happy to celebrate our 7th birthday with this pop-up booth. We want to give the public the opportunity to experience our products directly and establish a closer relationship," said Karina.

This Booth offers a different shopping experience, with a variety of interesting activities. Customers can try Self Kiosk-K Checkout for independent services and use the Pickup-In Store service. New visitors also get free cotton candy, while those who shop for at least IDR 500,000 can play call machine for gifts. Every day there are shopping vouchers and attractive prizes.

This event was even more lively with the presence of famous influencers such as Arbani Yasiz and Sarah Tumiwa, who added to the excitement of the atmosphere. Karina hopes that this celebration will be a special moment and increase the introduction of 9to9 as a trusted shopping place.

In fact, this trend is nothing new. In the midst of technological advances, direct interaction has long been an important part of the shopping experience. Therefore, various brands and industry players are increasingly focused on creating hybrid experiences.

This trick has proven to be able to create stronger loyalty among consumers, making them feel more connected to the products they choose.

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