JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the era of Prabowo Subianto's administration is rumored to be changing the concept to a super holding which will later be led by the head of the agency.

BUMN observer from the University of Indonesia, Toto Pranoto, said that the idea of a Super Holding BUMN was actually an old concept. He explained that this concept was first initiated by the State Minister for the Empowerment of SOEs in the era of Tanri Abeng.

In that era, continued Toto, the concept of the Super Holding BUMN has been announced. Then this idea was passed on by the Minister of SOEs during the government era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), for the Rini Soemarno period.

"Actually, I don't think this Super Holding idea is too new, because in the document related to the BUMN master plan in the era of Pak Tanri Abeng in 1999, the nomenclature is also the Ministry of SOEs/Heads of the Agency," Toto said when met in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 8.

Toto explained that Super Holding is the parent who oversees several holding companies that are in the same group. He said this concept had been applied in countries such as Temasek (Singapore) and Khazanah (Malaysia).

Furthermore, he said, the main goal of this Super Holding as a shareholder in several company holdings, with the aim of increasing the company's performance and enabling the creation of market value.

"So if now, for example, Prabowo's elected presidential government will revive this agency's function, I think the goal is in the context of actually how to improve the competitiveness of SOEs," he explained.

In the formation of Super Holding, continued Toro, of course there are a number of notes. First, he said, if the nomenclature is changed, then governance will also change. Because it needs to be thought carefully.

In addition, continued Toto, in terms of management. He said, the leadership of Holding to Super Holding must really be from professionals who understand business development.

"In the sense that people who are placed in the agency are indeed people who have background, technical capabilities, operational ability to manage large corporations. Because the hope is that the agency will actually not only be able to compete in the domestic market, but also develop globally," he said.

Toto said that if the formation of this Super Holding went smoothly and the leadership or head of the agency came from professionals, then red companies would be more active and could develop their business wings.

"So I think in the future there will be a need for a house that can make various kinds of BUMN holdings that already exist, can do even greater value creation, and in my opinion the house will form later into a body," he said.

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