JAKARTA - BUMN Holding Indonesian Mining Industry, MIND ID reported, throughout 2023 the MIND ID Group generated 320,000 tons of tailings, with 4.93 percent of these quantities being reused.

MIND ID Corporate Secretary Heri Yusuf said the MIND ID Group had implemented various waste management initiatives that included hazardous and toxic waste (B3) and non-B3.

"MIND ID members already have several standard stages in waste management. In its stages, waste is first sorted for reuse and recycle or the next recovery process," he said in a statement to the media quoted on Tuesday, October 8.

He continued, the MIND ID Group has also grouped waste that has been diverted from final disposal in three groups, namely preparation for reuse, recycling, and other recovery operations.

With various waste management efforts, the holding ensures that there is no pollution due to waste management failures including significant liquid waste spills throughout the MIND ID Group.

Heri Yusuf explained that this program is not only aimed at reducing environmental impacts, but also contributing to efforts to achieve the net zero emission target by 2060.

"With the reuse of waste, we hope to reduce the footprint of operational carbon, support the circular economy, and create long-term benefits for the environment and society," he explained.

Furthermore, Heri added, the company targets to increase the use of non-B3 waste by 2024, especially through recycling and reusing programs such as tailing, nickel lag, and Fly Ash Bottom Ash (FABA) which are transformed into environmentally friendly construction materials such as Green Fine Aggregate (GFA) and Polalaa Beton (POTON).

"With the sustainability program that we run in a sustainable manner, it will have a positive impact on social and environmental communities in operational areas, so as to maintain the sustainability of operational performance in the long term," he said.

Meanwhile, by 2024, the MIND ID Group is targeting an increase in the utilization rate in line with the implementation of more efficient waste treatment technology.

This waste management effort is carried out by complying with applicable regulations and involving strict supervision of the Work and Environmental Health Safety (K3LH) function, as well as collaborating with licensed third parties from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

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