JAKARTA - Head of the National Nutrition Agency Dadan Hindayana stated that the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program could absorb 1.5 million workers who will work in the service unit.

"Using traditional cooking utensils requires around 45-46 people. So, if you use traditional assumptions, there will be new job opportunities for 1.5 million people (for 30 thousand service units)," Dadan said quoting Antara.

Dadan explained that the service unit is different from the public kitchen. Operational service units will not only cook, but also manage local agricultural products.

Each service unit will also have a manager who manages food purchases and processing.

"That's why we call it a service unit, not a kitchen," he said.

Employees who will be involved in the service unit prioritize the local community, consisting of mothers, children, teenagers, and fathers.

In addition to workers for service units, local farmers who supply foodstuffs will also be involved in the absorption of the Free Nutrition Food program.

According to Dadan, his party hopes that 30 thousand service units are expected to be achieved no later than 2027. "But, there is an opportunity to be faster," he said.

The labor absorption scheme is in line with the proposal of Indonesian Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) researcher Eliza Mardian who said that the MBG program must be designed to create substantial multiplier effects in the economy.

According to him, the main priority is to create a backward linkage for the formation and strengthening of local supply chains involving local farmers, local fishermen, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), to village cooperatives.

He explained that the government through the National Nutrition Agency must continue to promote food diversification based on local commodities, and can increase public awareness of nutrition.

Then, it is necessary to implement digital technology in the entire MBG process chain, starting from procurement to monitoring and evaluation for efficiency and transparency, so that the public can oversee the budget.

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