JAKARTA - The construction of a double-tack route between Bogor Paledang-Cicurug has been completed.

The Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation through the Bandung Class I Railway Engineering Center (BTP Bandung) said the total budget reached IDR 2.2 trillion.

Head of BTP Bandung Endang Setiawan said the double track for the Bogor-Sukabumi railway was built for 26.6 km/sp.

"Over the last 10 years, we have completed the construction of a double line between Bogor Paledang-Cicurug, construction and arrangement of stations and improving railway safety on the Bogor-Sukabumi route, with a total budget of IDR 2.2 trillion," he said in an official statement, Sunday, October 6.

Endang said that the construction of this double line was carried out with the aim of increasing the security and volume of train travel.

In the process of building this double line, he continued, DJKA is trying to provide benefits to the surroundings by implementing a dense program by the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 70 of 2021.

"With this labor-intensive program, we can empower and help the economy of the surrounding community," he explained.

In addition to the double route, continued Endang, for the last 10 years, the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA has built and arranged stations along the Bogor-Sukabumi route to improve the quality of train passenger services.

"The stations located on the Bogor-Sukabumi route are also strategic areas close to tourist sites, so we hope that people who want to vacation around Bogor or Sukabumi can take advantage of rail transportation modes," said Endang.

He said, DJKA also prioritizes the safety of road users by building non-field crossings on the Bogor-Sukabumi route.

The trick is to build the People's Crossing Bridge (JPO), Underpass and Overpass.

In addition to the double lane, the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA also built a skybridge connecting Bogor Paledang Station and Bogor City Station.

"Our target is that the skybridge can be operated in 2024 and we hope that the skybridge can facilitate access to train passengers," said Endang.

Endang said that the construction of the skybridge and the Bogor Paledang Station had a total budget of IDR 95 billion.

Skybridge, which is located at the Bogor Paledang Station, is 200 meters (m) long and is made with the aim of increasing the safety of train users and operating trains.

Dengan upaya mendukung ekonomi masyarakat, DJKA juga menyediakan tempat bagi pelaku UMKM di dalam Stasiun Bogor Paledang.

"This Skybridge is directly connected to Taman Topi Square and Bogor City Square with the aim that we can at least help MSME players around the station," said Endang.

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