SERANG - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) targets state revenue from the implementation of packaged packaged excise drinks (MBDK) of IDR 3.8 trillion by 2025.

This target is lower when compared to the one listed in the 2024 State Budget of IDR 4.3 trillion.

Director of Acceptance and Strategic Planning of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance M Alfath Farobi said the target has been listed in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"Next year, 2025, the target is IDR 3.8 trillion," he said in the media gathering of the Ministry of Finance 2024, Thursday, September 26.

Alfath said that one of the reasons why the MBDK excise revenue target was lower than in 2024 was because it had to consider the condition of the national economy and the purchasing power condition of the Indonesian people.

"Yesterday, after discussing with the DPR, we saw that the implementation of the MBDK excise must of course be studied according to economic developments," he explained.

Regarding the amount of the excise imposition rate, Alfath said that the government and the DPR are still reviewing the amount of excise tariffs and types of MBDK which will become Excise Goods (BKC).

In addition, there will be a role from the new government which will participate in determining the tariff and the BKC.

Although previously, the DPR had submitted a proposal regarding the imposition of an MBDK excise rate of 2.5 percent for the initial stage or for next year.

"Because this is still in the process of reviewing the tariff, it is included in our study so it has not been decided. This also affects the portion of the new government. So regarding tariffs and what will be charged is still intensively studied," he explained.

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