SERANG - Deputy Minister of Finance II Thomas Djiwandono explained that the budget for the development of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) in the 2025 State Budget, which is currently IDR 15 trillion, could increase according to the decision of the President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

"Regarding IKN, for 2025 it is IDR 15 trillion at this time. But it can be added from the discretion of the presidential space, according to needs," Thomas said in media gathering, Serang, Banteng, Wednesday, September 25.

Thomas explained that the IKN development budget will be spread across two ministries and institutions, namely the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and the IKN Authority.

"If it is broken down IDR 15 trillion at OIKN (as large as) IDR 5.89 trillion and at PUPR (as large as) IDR 9.11 trillion," he said.

Thomas said that the IKN budget in the coming year will continue to be directed at private investment and the search for investors will be the homework (PR) of the Prabowo Subianto government.

"It becomes Pak Prabowo's homework and OIKN, so surely Pak Prabowo's cabinet will look for private investment to enter, both from within the country and abroad," he said.

Thomas explained that according to the initial agreement, the IKN development budget derived from the APBN was 20 percent. While the remaining 80 percent of the investment.

"For which we attract investment faster. That is the consideration that the next cabinet task is of course in collaboration with OIKN and the IKN task force," he said.

However, Thomas also ensured that President-elect Prabowo Subianto was committed to carrying out and continuing the development of IKN during his reign.

To note, the APBN posture for IKN development is designed at 20 percent of the total IKN budget needs of IDR 466 trillion or around IDR 93.2 trillion.

Meanwhile, the total IKN budget allocation from 2022 to 2024 is IDR 76.5 trillion. The realization of the IKN budget continues to increase from year to year, namely in 2022 it will reach IDR 5.5 trillion, the realization in 2023 is IDR 27 trillion, and in 2024 the budget is IDR 44 trillion.

Meanwhile, the IKN budget realization budget until the end of August 2024 reached IDR 18.9 trillion. The realization of the infrastructure cluster budget of IDR 16.2 trillion from the ceiling of IDR 40.7 trillion and the realization of non-infrastructure clusters reached IDR 2.7 trillion from the ceiling of IDR 3.3 trillion.

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