JAKARTA - The government is known to have plans to tighten the distribution of subsidized fuel on October 1, 2024.

Responding to this, Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati ensured that online motorcycle taxis and transportation vehicles could still enjoy subsidized fuel.

"So, for example, all passenger public transportation vehicles still get subsidized fuel including ojol and online taxis," Erika said in the Energy Corner quoted on Tuesday, September 10.

Erika said, in tightening this subsidized fuel, she admitted that her film also faced a number of challenges in the field.

The reason is, consumers of subsidized fuel users will be registered both diesel and pertalite users.

Meanwhile, based on data obtained from Pertamina as a business entity, Erika said that only Solar users had completed the registration process, while Pertalite users had only recorded 40 to 50 percent.

"This means that there are still around 55 percent of the 20 million vehicles. Maybe there are still around 10 million that we have to register. Now, this determines that it will take time and also needs socialization to the public so that they can register immediately," continued Erika.

He asked the public to take the initiative to register their vehicles on the MyPertamina application and there is no need to wait until the rules are issued.

So that when the subsidized fuel tightening regulation has been issued, the people who are entitled can immediately enjoy subsidized fuel.

The next challenge faced, said Erika, was in the form of rejection from various parties who were previously used to using subsidized fuel, which after this rule took effect could not consume subsidized fuel.

"But, of course, we want the public to understand that this rule was actually issued to maintain the rights of those who have the right to be able to exercise their rights. So, so that people who really need subsidies can get their rights like that," explained Erika.

He emphasized that public transportation vehicles can still consume subsidized fuel. The public also does not need to worry about the implementation of this rule.

"Not all of them deserve subsidies, right. Maybe later there will be logistics, industrial vehicles, which we choose which ones are allowed, which ones are not like that. But what is related to the community is that what is needed every day by the community is still getting subsidies," he concluded.

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