JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Housing to build flats (Rusun) for ASN-TNI in Southwest Papua.

Of the total 3 flats built, one of them is targeted for completion in 2025.

Director General of Housing Iwan Suprijanto said that the construction of the flat is expected to be able to encourage the development of regional infrastructure into the New Autonomous Region (DOB).

The construction of this flat is considered important for ASN who work there, especially since its location is not far from the office area.

"We will continue to support the development of Southwest Papua Province as a DOB, so that government and services to the community can run well. One form is by building flats for ASN and the Navy in Southwest Papua," said Iwan as quoted from the official website of the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Friday, September 6.

Iwan explained that several forms of support from the Ministry of PUPR in the future are not only from vertical buildings for housing, but also in terms of providing clean water, waste management and road connectivity.

So that infrastructure development can run well and integrated.

"We hope that with this flat, it can be a place to live for the ASN of the Southwest Papua Provincial Government and ASN PUPR who are on duty in the area. This is an effort by the Ministry of PUPR in the context of equitable distribution of infrastructure in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Papua II Housing Provision II Implementation Center (BP2P) Ridwan Dibya Sudharta said, there were three flats built in the New Autonomy Region (DOB) of Southwest Papua Province.

The first is the construction of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) flat of the Southwest Papua Provincial Government located on Jalan Sorong Klamono KM 16 Klaurung District, Sorong City.

"The land provided by the regional government covering an area of two hectares (ha) is prepared for two towers. Meanwhile, for the first stage, a flat tower will be built. The flat is built with the Wisma Arunika type one tower as high as three floors, the number of residential units is 44 units with type 36 square meters with a capacity capacity of 176 people and is estimated to be completed in the 300 calendar days of next year," he said.

The second is the ASN PUPR flat which was built on Jalan Sungai Komundan, Klawuyuk Village, East Sorong District, Sorong City.

The construction of flats is carried out on an area of 1 ha belonging to BWS in Southwest Papua Province.

Based on data from Balai P2P Papua II, vertical housing was built with the Wisma Arunika type one tower as high as three floors. The number is 44 units with type 36 square meters with a capacity capacity of 176 people.

The third is the Sorong Navy flat in the Pasmar TNI AL area 3 Jalan Sorong Klamono KM 16 Klaurung District, Sorong City.

"The implementing contractor is PT Nindya Karya (Persero). With the typical flats built, we hope that the construction process can be completed by the middle of next year. So, ASN only needs to bring clothes," he added.

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