JAKARTA - Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem due to a lack of nutritional intake in the long term, resulting in disruption of growth in children. To support children's growth and development, parents need to provide nutritious food intake and pay attention to their digestive health so that the nutrients that enter the body can be absorbed properly.

To help prevent stunting, PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) distributed its assistance on Tuesday, September 3. The assistance in the form of cash amounting to Rp250 million was symbolically handed over by the Director of Finance Sido Muncul, Budiyanto to the Bandung Police Chief, Kombes Pol Dr. Budi Sartono, SIK, M.Si, M.Han, at the Bandung Police Station.

The handover of this assistance was also attended by the Chairman of IDI Bandung City, dr. Dadan Gardea, Sp.OT and PJ Mayor of Bandung Ir. Bambang Tirtoyuliono, MM. represented by the Expert Staff of the Mayor for Government, Law and Politics, Dr. Asep Cucu Cahyadi, M.Si.

This assistance will be given to 100 stunting suspects in Bandung, for five months in the period September 2024 - January 2025.

"We are helping stunting children in Bandung. Assistance will be provided for five months starting September 2024 - January 2025. Each child receives Rp. 500 thousand per month. Our idea is to provide assistance directly to parents. Every month, we send (assistance) and parents (receive assistance) every month have to report to us. There is progress or not, weight and health," said Budiyanto.

Budiyanto added that this assistance is a form of support and alignment of the CSR program from Sido Muncul with the government in order to accelerate the reduction in stunting prevalence rates.

"This is the seventh time we have provided assistance for stunting children. First in South Cipete, Jakarta 13 children, then Semarang Regency 76 children, Gianyar Regency Bali 100 children, through RSI Jakarta Cempaka Putih 40 children, back in Semarang Regency 95 children, Cimahi 150 children, and now in Bandung 100 children. In total we have helped 574 children. We hope that the number of stunting sufferers in Indonesia can immediately decrease, so that a generation of people who are healthy and free of stunting is formed," said Budiyanto.

Through this assistance, Sido Muncul hopes that the number of stunting sufferers in Indonesia can immediately decrease, so that the nation's next generation is formed that is healthy and free of stunting.

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